- It is a terrible crime to slay a unicorn. 杀死一只独角兽可是件滔天大罪.
- A monster creature, it's a terrible crime to slay a unicorn. 怪物造物,这是一个可怕的罪行,以杀死一麒麟,
- The rape and pillage of the east was a terrible crime. 对东部(国家)的强劫和掠夺是臭名昭著的罪行。
- It will take him twenty years in prison to account for such a terrible crime. 他犯下了可怕的罪行,为此得坐20年的牢。
- All civilized people will revolt at [from / against] this terrible crime. 文明的人对这种可怕的罪行都深恶痛绝。
- All civilized people will revolt at /from/against this terrible crime. 文明的人对这种可怕的罪行深恶痛绝。
- It will take him 20 years in prison to account for such a terrible crime. 他犯有严重罪行,将在监狱中监禁20年。
- Yes. Say, you don't think I had anything to do with this terrible crime. 是的。哎呀,你不会认为我和这桩可怕的凶杀案有关吧?菲利普:噢,问吧。
- You don't want a terrible crime like that laid to your charge; tell the police that your boy friend did it. 你不会愿意让人指控你犯有这样可怕的罪行吧;去告诉警察,这是你的男朋友干的。
- The criminal was hurled into prison for his terrible crimes. 该犯因严重罪行被投入监狱。
- Judge (me): For these terrible crimes, how do you plead? 法官(我):对这些可怕的罪行,你如何辩解?
- PLO leader Yasser Arafat said he was saddened and shocked at what called the“ awful and terrible crime” against a brave leader and a“ tragedy for the peace process. 巴解组织领导人阿拉法特表示悲哀和震惊,称这是针对一位勇敢的领导人的“可恶的犯罪”,是“和平进程中的悲剧”。
- PLO leader Yasser Arafat said he was saddened and shocked at what called the "awful and terrible crime" against a brave leader and a "tragedy for the peace process. 巴解组织领导人阿拉法特表示悲哀和震惊,称这是针对一位勇敢的领导人的“可恶的犯罪”,是“和平进程中的悲剧”。
- Maddened by grief, Malygos withdrew to his lair and paid little heed to the rest of the world, emerging only when it finally seemed possible to avenge Deathwing's terrible crime. 玛里苟斯出于悲痛而变得疯癫,他回到了自己的巢穴不理世事,只有当嗅到有可能对死亡之翼所犯下的滔天罪行复仇的事物才会有有所反应。
- The criminal was so lawless that he had committed such terrible crimes. 无法无天--这个罪犯无法无天;居然犯下如此可怕的罪行.
- Truman Capote's comprehensive study of the killings and subsequent investigation explores the circumstances surrounding this terrible crime and the effect it had on those involved. 这桩没有明显犯罪动机,也几乎没有留下任何线索的离奇血案,震惊了整个美国,举国上下都在关注血案的侦破。
- Rape and child molestation are terrible crimes that can traumatise their victims for life. 强奸和猥亵儿童都是可以伤害到受害者一生的严重的犯罪。
- It is absurd to go out in such terrible weather. 在这麽恶劣的天气里出去太荒唐。
- The terrible scene was engraved on his memory. 那可怕的情景铭记在他的记忆里。
- Religion is often made the covert of crime. 宗教常成为罪恶的护庇所。