- They forbid any vessels to enter their territorial waters. 他们禁止任何舰艇进入他们的水城。
- They were not allowed to fish in our territorial waters. 不允许他们在我国领海捕鱼。
- In similar context,a study was commissioned this year to extend and upgrade the government's territorial water quality models so that they can be applied effectively also in the outer Pearl River estuary. 当局年内又进行了一项研究,以期扩展和改善政府的区域性水质模型,使能有效地应用于研究珠江的外河口。
- In similar context, a study was commissioned this year to extend and upgrade the government's territorial water quality models so that they can be applied effectively also in the outer Pearl River estuary. 当局年内又进行了一项研究,以期扩展和改善政府的区域性水质模型,使能有效地应用于研究珠江的外河口。
- Hey, XX fishing boat, this is ROC Coast Grard, You will illegally intruding into ROC territorial sea for fishing, plsease haul nets immediately and get out of our territorial water right away. 驱离大陆渔船要讲国语,那驱离日本船要讲日文吗?并没有,海巡署是有稿照念的,中文版:XX渔船您好,我们是中华民国海洋巡防总局,你们已非法侵入中华民国领海捕鱼,请立即起网停止作业,并迅速离开本国海域。
- Senegal has decided to tow the corpse-laden MS Joola to its own territorial waters. 塞内加尔已经决定将装满尸体的乘船拖至其自己海域。
- It said the British perso el were then surrounded and escorted by Iranian ve els into Iranian territorial waters. 国防部说,英国人员随后被伊朗的船只包围,并被押送到伊朗领海海域。
- In 1949 the Court found Albania responsible for damage caused to British warships by mines in its territorial waters. 一九四九年,法院判决阿尔巴尼亚应对其领海内水雷给英国军舰造成的损害负责。
- China's territorial waters, is from the baseline to the sea extended to 12 nautical miles from the sea. 我国的领海,是指从海岸基线向海上延伸到12海里的海域。
- These countries do not have the resources to police their territorial waters," says the report. 而这些国家没有资源来管辖其领海。”
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- A countrys territorial waters was unprecedented violation of a country against its own warships from the air and underwater attacks refueling. 某国领海被临国侵犯,某国军舰独力抗击来自空中和水下的袭击,加油!
- The British crew was conducting searches near the demarcation line that separates the territorial waters of Iran and Iraq. 英国船员正在伊拉克和伊朗领海划分线周围执行检查。
- And many times it is difficult to take any legal action against pirates because their attacks may take place outside any country's territorial waters. 在许多时候采取法律行动对付海盗是很困难的,因为袭击发生在任何一个国家的主权领土外面水域。
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。
- No yacht without such a nationality certificate shall sail or be berthed in the territorial waters of the People's Republic of China. 未持有船舶国籍证书的游艇,不得在中华人民共和国管辖水域航行、停泊。
- TWO years ago Somalia's weak transitional government agreed to let foreign navies chase pirates into its territorial waters. 两年前索马里弱势的过渡政府准许外国海军在本国海域对海盗进行追捕。
- You said you are yearned for peace happy, why does that also in all directions invade wrests away our country's territorial waters! 你说你们是向往和平美好的,那为什么现在你们日本还四处侵略霸占我国的领海和岛屿!
- Putting water in brandy is sacrilege. 在白兰地中掺水是可恶的事。
- He declared the platform, perched seven miles off the east coast of England andoutside Britain's territorial waters, to be the principality of Sealand. “海国”距英国东海岸仅7公里,而且恰好位于英国的领水之外。