- If Ben Ladeng is notorious terroristic organization head. 如本·拉登就是臭名昭著的恐怖主义组织头目。
- Israeli and U.S. officials call Hamas a terrorist organization. 以色列和美国官员称哈马斯为恐怖组织。
- The UN and the US named the ETIM a terrorist organization in 2002. 联合国和美国已于2002年将该组织列入恐怖组织名单。
- The youngsters were lured into a terrorist organization. 这些年轻人受诱惑加入恐怖组织。
- Japan Red Army- terroristic organization?Be still Japanese Red Guard? 首页>>军事历史>>日本赤军-恐怖组织? 还是日本的红卫兵?
- The ETIP/ETIM is a designated terrorist organization for good reasons. 东土党或东土运动已被以充分的证据被认定为恐怖组织。
- The terrorist organization set off a smoke bomb and ran away in the chaos. 恐怖组织投放了烟雾弹,然后趁着混乱逃跑了。
- Then something similar to the army appeared, they are not terroristic organization, not human killers, not ransom but only for destruction. 于是类似军队的东西出现了,他们不是恐怖组织,他们不杀人,不勒索,只是为了破坏。
- Their tactics have been copied by other terrorist organizations. 他们的手段已被其他恐怖组织效仿。
- The putative leader of the terrorist organization was arrested by police in Birmingham yesterday. 此恐怖组织的公认领导人昨天在伯明罕被警方逮捕。
- Turkey, together with the USA and the European Union, has designated the PKK a terrorist organization. 土耳其、美国与欧盟都认定库德工人党是恐怖组织。
- After the Sept. 11 incident last year, the United States listed the ASG as a terrorist organization that is allegedly linked to "Al Qaeda" network. 去年“9·11”事件发生后,美国将据称与“基地”组织有联系的阿布沙耶夫组织列为恐怖组织。
- Media reports said the charges alleged that Haneef had provided a mobile phone SIM card to a member of a terrorist organization. 媒体报告说,该指控提到卡给恐怖组织的一位成员。
- U.S.-based banana company Chiquita Brands International says it will pay a 25-million-dollar fine after admitting to buying protection from a terrorist organization in Colombia. 总部设在美国的奇基塔国际香蕉公司公司承认向哥伦比亚的一个恐怖组织交纳保护费,并表示将为此支付2千5百万美元的罚款。
- The CIA agents successfully infiltrated into the terrorist organizations. 中央情报局的特工人员成功地打入了恐怖分子组织。
- Indian Prime Minister Singh on the 27th that the Mumbai attacks may be based in neighboring countries to plan a terrorist organization. 中英文对照:印度总理曼辛格27日说,孟买连环袭击可能由总部设在邻国的恐怖组织策划。
- How do terrorist organizations infuse this condition in their recruits? 恐怖组织如何把这种能力灌输给他们的新兵?
- The White House called the election a big day for the Palestinians, adding the U.S. still considers Hamas a terrorist organization. 白宫称选举日对巴勒斯坦人来说是重要的一天。白宫同时补充说,美国仍认为哈马斯是恐怖主义组织。
- Today, the world's biggest factor is a terrorist organization, national separatism, great power conflict or clash of civilizations? 今日世界最大的不安定因素,是恐怖组织,民族分裂主义,大国冲突,还是文明的冲突?
- The model of identification of terrorist organization of international society includes administrative model, judical model and comprehensive model. 就司法认定而言,在我国现行法律中难以找到对恐怖活动组织进行司法认定的实体和程序规定。