- To study vertical bearing behavior of the foundation,a shaft diaphragm wall foundation of bridge in loess area was tested for bearing capacity by use of the self-balanced method. 为研究其竖向承载特性,在国内首次采用自平衡法对黄土地区某桥梁的井筒式地下连续墙基础进行了现场静载试验。
- Life Performance of Automotive Wheel Bearing Grease, Test for (05. 机动车轮轴承润滑脂的寿命性能的试验(05。
- The acid test for a policeman is whether he can resist bribes. 能否抗拒贿赂对於警察是决定性的考验。
- Is this equipment tested for mechanical aptitude? 这台设备测定了其机械适应性了吗?
- He used different methods to test for allergies. 他用不同的方法测定变态反应性。
- Discussion on soaking CBR test for bearing capacity of road foundation 浸水CBR试验检测路基承载力的探讨
- Inspection hosing test for upper deck. 上甲板冲水试验检查。
- Screen Test for DCP , Limestone and Salt. 筛选检验磷酸氢钙;石粉和食盐.
- The tests for hepatitis were negative. 肝炎检查结果是阴性。
- Parallel-running test for main generator. 主发电机并联运行试验。
- The football team arrived Saturday noon,loaded for bear. 该足球队于星期六中午抵达,全队为比赛作好了充分的准备。
- Last,a few words about the final test for the term. 最后,谈谈我们这学期的期末考试。
- The football team arrived Saturday noon, loaded for bear. 该足球队于星期六中午抵达,全队为比赛作好了充分的准备。
- This difficult task is an acid test for all of us. 这项困难的工作对于我们大家都是一种严格考验。
- The football team arrived yesterday, loaded for bear. 这支足球队昨日抵达,全队士气高昂。
- Preparation for English Test for MA. And MS. 在职研究生英语准备。
- A Guide to Practical English Test for Colleges II. 高等学校英语应用能力考试过关丛书2。
- I will get the best grade on this test for sure. 我这次考试一定会考最高分。
- The operating test for rubbish derrick. 垃圾吊收放试验。
- Davy liked to hunt for bears best of all. 大卫最喜欢猎熊了。