- test signal unit 测试信号单元
- VIT? Vertical Interval Test signal? 场扫描插入测试信号?
- Signal unit delimitation - inserts binary flags?to delimit (separate) messages. 信令单元定界 -- 插入二进制的"标志"定界(分隔)消息。
- This unit can output the standard Oximetry test signal comparatively with difference sensors of the tested pulse oximetry, include pulse rate, peep and oxygen saturation. 所述脉搏血氧仪校准装置,它能产生一个与被检脉搏血氧仪传感器类型相对应的标准血氧测试信号,包括脉率、脉冲幅度和血氧饱和度。
- Signal unit error detection and correction - discards detected erroneous message and requests a re-transmission. 信令单元错误检测和校正 -- 废弃检测到的出错消息并请求重新传输。
- Signal unit delimitation - inserts binary 襢lags?to delimit (separate) messages. 信令单元定界--插入二进制的"标志"定界(分隔)消息。
- Depending on the type of test signal involved, specific switching techniques must be used to maintain signal integrity through the switch system. 根据测试信号的不同,必须采用特定的切换系统才能够保证通过开关系统的信号完整性。
- Trainees are drawn from infantry, engineers, and signal units. 士兵都是从步兵、工兵和通信兵里面选拔。
- The wafer storage section (12) transmits/receives a test signal to/from a measurement section (15) and has a hermetic and heat insulating structure. 该晶片存放单元(12)向/从测量单元(15)发送/接收一个测试信号,并具有与外界隔离的绝热结构。
- Signal unit initial alignment - invokes initial alignment prior to activating or restoring a signaling link. 信令单元初始定位 -- 在激活或恢复信令链路之前调用初始定位。
- It is an effective method to reduce the noise in signal by wavelet, and proper parameters are selected to reduce the noise in test signal of BJ2020S road-off jeep in this paper. 利用小波良好的去噪性能,选择了合适的参数对越野吉普车BJ2020S实验测量信号进行小波去噪。
- At last,an example of IF unit of radar echo generator system based on DDS is presented.This signal unit can generate radar IF echoes including general pulse,LFM,NLFM,PSK. 最后给出了一个基于DDS的雷达多目标模拟系统中频单元的设计实例,该单元可以灵活生成包括常规脉冲、线性调频、非线性调频、相位编码在内的雷达中频回波信号,为被试雷达提供较为全面的测试环境。
- The NEXT value, expressed in decibels, is computed as the difference in amplitude between the test signal and the crosstalk signal measured at the same end of the cable. 以分贝表示的NEXT值为在缆线同一末端的测试讯号和串音讯号的振幅差值.
- Non-realtime video can be used to transport various types of data, such as a vertical interval test signal (VITS) through the system at full resolution. 非实时视频可被用于以全分辨率在系统中传输各种类型的数据,如场间隔测试信号(VITS)。
- In this paper, a software for analysing the test signal of the dynamic pressure has been developed to evaluate the waveform features, frequency structure and energy distribution. 研制了分析脉冲射流动态压力信号的软件,作为评价这种信号的波形特征、频率结构及能量分布的依据。
- Instructions are sent to the relays to collect testing signal sequentially. 对继电器依次发送检测指令、接收返回信息;
- The neurons are the dynamically polarized cells that serve as the major signaling unit of the nervous system. 神经元是动态极化的细胞,并且是神经系统中的主要信号物质。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- Cable testing instruments measure crosstalk by applying a test signal to one wire pair. 缆线测试仪器以加上测试讯号到一对线来测量串音。
- There are three different types of signal units differentiated by the value contained in the Link Indicator field. 有三种不同的信令单元链路,可根据指示器字段所含的值进行区分。