- The text of a vocal composition;lyrics. 歌词声乐作品的词;歌词
- The text of a play, broadcast, or movie. 剧本、广播稿或者电影剧本。
- The text of a vocal composition; lyrics. 歌词声乐作品的词;歌词
- In PL / 1, the activation of a procedure. 在pl/1语言中,一个过程的激活。
- The body of a procedure is a compound statement. 过程的主体是复合语句。
- In PL/1, the activation of a procedure. 在pl/1语言中,一个过程的激活。
- In word processing, the main text of a letter or other document. 在字(词)处理技术中,书信和其它文献的主要部分。
- A block, with or without formal parameters, the execution of which is invoked by means of a procedure call. (编程语言中)带有或不带有参数的块,其执行是由过程调用所请求的。
- The text property returns the text of a node and its descendants. 文本属性的作用是:返回一个节点及其子节点的文本。
- A rule, however, may or may not be part of a procedure. 总之,规则可能是程序的一部分,也可能不是。
- Do you mind reading hack the text of my message? 你把我的电文重念一遍,好吗?
- text of a procedure 过程的正文
- The text of a dramatic musical work,such as an opera. 一部生动的音乐作品的内容,如歌剧的歌词。
- Gets a text range that encloses the main text of a document. 获取包含文档主文本的文本范围。
- Gets or sets the text of a link to the login Help page. 获取或设置登录帮助页链接的文本。
- You can also view the execution time for each line of a procedure. 您也可以查看过程中每一行的执行时间。
- The cake we made was somewhat of a failure. 我们做的蛋糕不大成功。
- The text of a dramatic musical work, such as an opera. 歌词一部生动的音乐作品的内容,如歌剧的歌词
- The representation of a procedure created by the invocation of that procedure. 由过程调用产生的该过程的表示。
- The full text of the communique reads as follows. 公报全文如下。