- You should not content yourself with book knowledge only. 你不能只满足於书本知识。
- Could you recommend the text book for me? 你能推荐以下适合我的课本吗?
- The teachers are evaluating the text book. 老师们正在评估着教材。
- Never content ourselves with book knowledge only. 不可满足于仅仅有一点书本知识。
- The new text book was in course of preparation. 新教材正在编写准备当中。
- We are trying to apply book knowledge to real work. 我们正努力把书本知识运用于实际工作中。
- Book knowledge comes from practice. 书本知识来自实践。
- You can get a theoretical knowledge of farming from text books. 你可以从教科书上得到关于耕作的理论知识。
- That last text book of his seems to have been thrown together. 他最近的那一册教科书似乎是仓促编成的。
- This will wrt&e ly for what he lacked in book knowledge. 这就可以补足他所缺的书本知识。
- There is a text book, a dictionary and some notebooks on the desk. 桌子上有一本教科书,一本字典和几本笔记。
- This will make up for what he lacked in book knowledge. 这就可以补足他们缺的书本知识。
- Ms Liu has followed some of my advice on the new text book. 刘老师已经接受了我的一些关于新教材的建议。
- Does that mean I can have the text book with me during the exam? 是不是考试的时候我可以看书?
- In a word, practice is far more important than book knowledge. 一句话,实践远比书本知识重要。
- Rereading the text book refreshed Megan's memory of the material. 重读一次教科书重新唤起梅根对内容的记忆。
- It is of no use learning book knowledge without doing experiments. 学习书本知识而不是实验是没有用的。
- We should never content ourselves with book knowledge only. 我们决不能仅仅满足于书本上的知识。
- He said he was only a red neck with little book knowledge. 他说他对知识一窍不通。
- This will wrt &e ly for what he lacked in book knowledge. 这就可以补足他所缺的书本知识。