- He is making a textual research on this problem. 他在对这个问题进行考证。
- Actually closestool culture has textual research since ancient times. 实际上马桶文化自古就有考证。
- How the School of Textual Research in Qing Dynasty Influenced upon Chinese Mathematics and Mathematical Education? 清末考据学派与中国数学?
- Without so much regulation! Textual research basically is outstanding ability prove and not be requirement degree how! 没有那么多规定!考证主要是突出能力的证实而不是要求学位怎样!
- Textual research of scholors has found that there are 2000 exegetical commentaries written on the Daodejing . 有学者考证,历代文献所著录的注本约有2000种。
- Methods Field research and aggradation lab analysis, historical data textual research. 方法实地考察、结合沉积物粒度分析及历史文献资料考证。
- He wrote many works about JinShi textual research and TieXue theory ,especially for the later. 他一生著作丰厚,金石考订之外,对于帖学理论尤有建树。
- Methods Use the textual researches of mathematical literatures. 方法运用文献考证方法。
- Lu Si-mian specially regarded historical materials collection and textual research important. 他专门总结了书籍、实物、古事的辨伪考证方法。
- Abstract: The writer made textual research on the character of xianghe songs, which had been misinterpreted in academe. 内容提要: 文章针对学术界长期存在误解的相和歌的性质问题作了考证。
- According to textual research, all the dramas were then was sang in the Anhui tune-pattern. 据考证,当时这些戏唱的都是徽调。
- With this background, textual research on plants (plant textology) comes into being. 植物考据在这样的背景下产生了。
- The textual research object is the green of the our country logistics of development and counterplan research problem. 本文的研究对象是我国的绿色物流的发展及对策研究问题。
- In recent years, differences come forth in Shangu Ci's Age-confirming and textual research, indeed mistakes. 近年来,山谷词系年考证中出现了不少分歧,甚至还出现了错误。
- There's no way to do textual research on this jingle's origins, but it might have been written by a group of little rascals at some private school. 这首顺口溜的来源已无从考证,可能是某些私塾小顽童的集体创作。
- This paper deals mainly with the textual research of Phoenix tree. Legend of Phoenix Tree,its planting history and cultural meaning are discussed. 本文主要论述了梧桐的名实考证,梧桐的传说及其文化含义,历史上利用梧桐栽培的历史。
- This thesis makes a textual research on the edition, the number of volume, the content and the value of three kinds of works of Wu Yifeng. 吴翌凤一生著述宏富,本文对其中三种不同品类的著作版本、卷数、内容、价值等加以论考。
- According to textual research has been the history in 1200, is used to record red cloth Alfredsson Zambia and the local leader of UNITA to be good. 据考证已有1200年的历史,是用以记载赤德松赞与工布地方首领会盟为好的。
- This paper is an attempt to explore and differentiate their life and achievements chronologically based on textual research. 公孙乘、路乔如二人生卒不详,仅有赋作传世。以上梁园诸赋家可以考出之行迹、作品,均编年系之。
- This paper investigates two important problems about Zhang Dai who is a historian and literator in late Ming Dynasty by the way of textual research. 摘要本文对张岱研究中两个重要悬案进行了严密的考辨:一是关于卒年。