- Yi People' s Customary Law 彝族习惯法
- It' s customary for the women to sit apart. 按习俗; 妇女要分开坐.
- the Yi's customary law 彝族习惯法
- It administered the customary law merchant. 它实施商业习惯法。
- Customary law includes also conventional customs. 习惯法也包括约定的习惯。
- The Yi ethnic group has many branches. 彝族的支系甚多,
- The Sani is a branch of the Yi Nationality. 撒尼是彝族的一个支系。
- The unwritten or customary law of war is binding upon all nations. 战时国际法的不成文法或惯例法约束所有国家。
- The customary law is common phenomenon in the minority region. 习惯法是在少数民族地区普遍存在的现象。
- The customary law used as the "local knowledge" is come into being in acquaintance"s society of certain regions.It is custom and cultural law substantially. 习惯法作为在一定地域范围的熟人社会中形成的“地方知识”,其实质上就是风俗法、文化法。
- This music descends from the early ballads of the Yi people. 这音乐源于彝族的早期民歌。
- The Yi Branch’s is eleven-storeyed, eight-sided, 25.8 metres tall, covering 81.6 square metres. 义寨鼓楼十一重檐八角攒尖顶,高25.;8米,占地81
- As a form of customary law, they stand for the differences and interactions between state law and folk law. 作为一种习惯法表达方式,也体现了与国家法之间各安其所、时为互动的关系。
- Juding by her dress,she may be of the Yi nationality. 从她的打扮看,她或许是彝族。
- One is collect, summarize and analyze the books and documents about the customary law in the minority region. 一是对涉及少数民族地区习惯法的有关著作和文章进行收集、整理以及分析主要理论观点。
- Juding by her dress, she may be of the Yi nationality. 从她的打扮看,她或许是彝族。
- So far the stalemate between the Bucks and the Yi camp continues. 眼下,雄鹿队和易之队之间的僵局还在继续。
- The description and analysis revealed that the customary law of relying on its social environment. 这一描述和分析揭示出,习惯法依托于其产生的社会环境。
- The Yi world in the field of vision of emic and etic research. 四、主客位研究视野中的彝族世界。
- This paper talks about the role of Lizu customary law in forest environment protection. 摘要本文论述黎族习惯法在森林环境保护中的作用。