- The government is the highest authority in the country. 政府是国家的最高权力机构。
- I have this information on the highest authority. 我有最高当局的这一方面资料.
- A country with the highest authority in its field. 一个国家在其领域内拥有的最高权力。
- He is acknowledged to be the highest authority on the subject. 他被公认为这门学科的最高权威。
- It enjoys the highest authority and the strongest binding force in the Party. 党章集中概括了我们党的先进性的全部要求,涵盖了党的先进性建设的各个方面。
- The inspecting delegation is sent by the higher authority. 检查团是上级派来的。
- On paper, the system allows the lowliest subjects to take complaints directly to the highest authority in the land. 理论上,这种上访制度让地位最卑微的民众可以直接向全国最高权力机构申诉。
- The board of directors shall be the highest authority of a joint venture. It shall decide all major matters concerning the joint venture. 董事会是合营企业的最高权力机构,决定合营企业的一切重大问题。
- The General Assembly, being the highest authority of RIF, exercises the legislation and - unless otherwise defined, below - also the executive power. 1联合国大会 , 存在 RIF 的最高权威, 练习立法和 - 除非以别的方式定义,在下面 - 也运行的力量。
- As a lightweight his skill is of the highest order. 作为轻量级拳击手,他的技术是第一流的。
- It is an international non-government and non- profit organization and the highest authority of the Olympic Movement,serving as an umbrella organization of the Olympic Moment. 国际奥委会是奥林匹克运动的最高权力机构。它是一个国际性的、非政府的、非营利性的组织,是奥林匹克运动的指导者、捍卫者和仲裁人。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- If you are disappointed with your superior, report him to the higher authority. 对顶头上司有所不满,直接跟他的上级投诉。
- As in the case of this Czar, he could exile people and bring them home because he had the highest authority that was subject to no other persons command. 跟这个沙皇一样,他赶人走了以后,还可以再带他们回去,因为他的权力最高,没有人可以说什么。
- The big meat dish goes on the highest shelf. 大的肉盘子通常搁在最高1格。
- Many competitors have entered for the high jump. 已有许多人报名参加跳高比赛。
- It is an international non-government and non- profit organization and the highest authority of the Olympic Movement, serving as an umbrella organization of the Olympic Moment. 国际奥委会是奥林匹克运动的最高权力机构。它是一个国际性的、非政府的、非营利性的组织,是奥林匹克运动的指导者、捍卫者和仲裁人。
- The power of decision resides in the higher authorities. 决定权属于上级机关。
- The high salary reconciled me to living abroad. 我为获高薪也只好在国外生活。
- Trucks shuttled to and fro on the high ways. 车辆在高速公路上穿梭行驶。