- They were splashing about in the surf. 他们在拍岸的浪花中戏水。
- Microwave radar cross sections and Doppler velocities measured in the surf zone 测量的碎浪区的雷达微波截面和多普勒速度
- Login and click the surf link in the control panel! 注册和在控制镶板中单击海浪联系!
- The noise of the surf increased. 浪涛的澎湃声也越发响亮了。
- Here to start the surf junky browser. 就开始自动冲浪。
- They threw off their clothes and ran into the surf. 他们脱掉衣服奔向海浪。
- Occurrence and stay period of the juvenile Liza haematocheila in the surf zone of Yangtze Estuary 鮻鱼稚鱼在沿岸碎波带的出现和滞留时间
- "Click here to start the Surf Junky browser! "就可以开始自动冲浪了, 快来注册吧!
- Seasonal occurrences of fish larvae and juveniles in the surf zone of the Yangtze River estuary 长江口沿岸碎波带仔稚鱼种类组成和季节性变化
- the surf zone 碎波带
- They're bidding on the Surf Avenue Iot. 有消息说他们正在对激浪大道进行投标。
- The surf's roar was here dulled. 拍岸浪的咆哮声在这儿略为低沉。
- Their frolic in the surf threatened to become ugly. 他们在冲浪过程中的嬉闹有变得粗俗的危险。
- Click here to start the Surf Junky browser! 就可以开始自动冲浪了, 快来注册吧!!!
- Timmy, now a toddler, splashed in the surf with his grand-father. 此时的蒂米已经开始学步,同他的外祖父一道在海边的浪花里戏水嬉闹。
- By daybreak, I was in the surf of a land I did not know. 天亮时,我身处于一块不知名陆地旁的海浪里。
- When do I start the surf on it? Maybe five or six years ago. 开始是在什么时候,五年前?还是六年前?
- Ran barelegged through the surf;barelegged children on the beach. 光着腿跑过海浪;海滩上裸着腿的孩子们
- The Surf Coast, just 15 minutes from Geelong in Victoria Australia. 冲浪海岸,,墨尔本,大洋路,,澳大利亚,
- The Norwegians live in a comparatively cold zone. 挪威人生活在比较寒冷的地区。