- His mother raised him in the Catholic faith. 母亲从小按天主教信条教育他。
- Confess to God in the presence of a priest,as in the Catholic faith. 与天主教信仰有关的一个词,是指在牧师在场的情况下向上帝表示自己的悔意。
- The Eucharist is the focal point of the Catholic faith because it is Jesus present with us here on earth today. 圣体圣事是天主教信仰的中心点,因为是耶稣今时今日与我们同在这世上的实证。
- First, for this proposition is simply false, in the judgment of the Catholic Faith, which affirms that in Christ there is one suppositum and one hypostasis, as also one Person. 首先,就着大公信仰断言,在基督里有一个承体和载体,而且是一个人位来判断,的这项陈述(译:指这人有了开始),单纯地就是错的。
- While Kevin and his brother and his sisters had their mother's support in the truth, most of the Southern Irish Christadelphians grew up completely within the Catholic faith. 虽然凯文及其弟兄姐妹在真理上有母亲的支持,南爱尔兰大多数年轻的基督弟兄会会员完全在天主教的信仰里长大。
- They perform marriages, baptisms (adult and infant) and funerals, of course, as well as offering classes to those who would like to become part of the Catholic faith. 大教堂还承办着主持婚礼、(成年人和新生婴儿的)洗礼仪式和葬礼,当然,还为那些有志信仰天主教的虔诚教徒传授教义。
- The Basilica is the Mother Church of the Catholic faith here in Colorado, and is a beautiful building built from limestone imported from Indiana and granite mined in Gunnison, Colorado. 在这里,科罗拉多州,大教堂是天主信仰源起之处,并且是一座极富美丽神话的建筑物,它由印第安那的石灰石以及从科州采矿而来的花岗石合力建成。
- This is the catholic faith, which except a man believe faithfully he cannot be saved. 这是真正大公信仰,人若不忠诚笃信,就无法得救。
- Anselm's theology is not Catholic faith. 安塞姆的神学并不是天主教的信念。
- He was baptized into the Catholic Church. 他受洗礼而入天主教。
- Carl and Emil went up to the Catholic fair. 卡尔和爱弥儿去赶天主教庙会了。
- confess to God in the presence of a priest, as in the Catholic faith. 与天主教信仰有关的一个词,是指在牧师在场的情况下向上帝表示自己的悔意。
- The Catholic idea is relief for the poor. 天主教的慈善观念是救济穷人。
- On the strictest interpretation, a Catholic is only marrying out of the faith if his partner is a non-Catholic and refuses to be married according to the rites of the Catholic Church. 严格地说,天主教徒的配偶如果不是天主教徒而又拒绝按照天主教的仪式结婚,那么这个天主教徒才是脱离了原属教派与其他教派的人结了婚。
- Now the Catholic Church has joined the debate. 现在,天主教会已经加入了这场争论。
- It is certainly the tradition in which Tolkien's Catholic faith was grounded and nurtured. 显然这正是托尔金天主教信仰扎根和滋养的传统理念。
- The Catholic church was particularly sceptical. 此外,法国天主教会对于该节日所持的怀疑态度尤为明显。
- The Catholic Church is on Zhejiang Road. 天主教堂在浙江路上。
- Cover and - disguise the cathole when finished. 事毕掩埋并掩饰。
- the Catholic faith 天主教