- the Centre for Policy Studies 政策研究中心
- In the case of oil, as Daniel Gros of the Centre for European Policy Studies pointed out in the Financial Times last week (this page, July 10), speculation is inherent in deciding whether to produce. 鉴于全球经济增长正在放缓,石油及其它大宗商品价格的不断飙升让人感到困惑。6月份分析师的普遍预期为:今年全球经济将增长2.;9%25(按市场汇率计算),低于2007年的3
- Scott McCown of the Centre for Public Policy Priorities (CPPP) in Austin calls this “buying dates”. 奥斯汀的国家政策优惠中心的斯考特-迈克考恩认为这是“购买时期”。
- Brahma Chellaney, a professor of strategic studies at New Delhi's Centre for Policy Research, called the Chinese policy of issuing paper visas for Kashmiris “another provocation”. 新德里中心进行政策研究的战略学教授,波拉马车莱尼认为中国对克什米尔地区印发纸签证的行为是“另一场挑衅”。
- The Centre for Quantum Computer Technology is part of UNSW's innovation agenda. 量子计算机技术中心,是新南威尔士大学的创新议程的一部分。
- Amonetisation of euro-area debt is imaginable only “if all euro-areagovernments are in the same boat”, says Daniel Gros of the Centre forEuropean Policy Studies, a think-tank in Brussels. 近几周来,美国政府债券变得更加有吸引力了。
- Margaret Somerville is founding director of the Centre for Medicine, Ethics and Law at McGill University in Montreal. 玛格丽特.;萨默维尔是加拿大蒙特利尔市迈克吉尔大学医学、伦理与法学中心的创始董事
- The Centre for Health Protection of DH would continue to step up health advice to the public. 生署生防护中心会继续加强对公众的健康忠告。
- One should not over-hype the change, says Anthony Cordesman of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, a think-tank. 战略与国际问题研究中心分析员安东尼科德斯曼认为不应过于夸大这个变化。
- Since 1999, stocks have grown by 840,000 bpd on average in the second quarter, according to Leo Drollas of the Centre for Global Energy Studies. 全球能源研究中心(CentreforGlobalEnergyStudies)的LeoDrollas认为,从99年以来,第二季度石油库存平均增长840,000桶/天。
- A January report by the Institute for Policy Studies crunched the numbers: for every dollar Washington allocated to climate change in the 2008 budget, $88 would be spent on defense. 政策研究所一月份报告推算出的数字表明:在 2008 年预算中,华盛顿投入环境变化的每一美元,会滋生 88 美元投入到国防。
- Sylvia Ann Hewlett, president of the Centre for Work-Life Policy in New York, says that many workers still have what she calls “extreme jobs”. 纽约工作-生活政策中心主席西尔维娅安妮怀沃尔特表示,许多工人们仍然从事着被她称作的“极度工作”。
- He has also been serving part-time as Adjunct Professor of Economics at the University of Basel, and is a Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research in London. 先生亦曾以兼职形式担任巴塞尔大学经济学客席教授,亦是伦敦经济政策研究中心研究员。
- The Centre for Australian Regolith Studies studies all aspects of the regolith (the layer at the Earth's surface that is the result of weathering, erosion and deposition). 澳大利亚风化层研究中心研究风化层(即由风化、侵蚀和沉积而形成的地球表层)的所有方面。
- All the shop in the centre of town close on Sunday. 星期日市中心的所有商店关门。
- Ask at the Customer Care Centre for details. 详情请向场内顾客服务中心查询。
- An alternative, says Robert Einhorn, of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington-based think-tank, could be a China-engineered coup. 依托华盛顿的智囊机构,战略与国际研究中心的RobertEinhorn认为,这种可能性会成为中国操控的妙举。
- The Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitra. 吉隆坡仲裁区域中心仲裁规则。
- He has a flat in the centre of town. 在市中心他有一套单元房。