- the Chinese shadow play 中国影戏
- This article thinks that the content and form of Chinese shadow play embod y vivid color of histo-ry,religion and culture. 影戏演出使用的影偶、景片表演形式和影卷演出剧目及演出场合浸淫着历史与宗教文化的浓郁色彩。
- Chinese shadow play is a form of Chinese folk art. The digital animation gives it modern flavor, and brings new life to the traditional shadow play. 皮影戏是中国一种民间艺术形式,数字化的皮影动画给它赋予现代的流行元素,也赋予了传统皮影戏新的生命及活力。
- Many wellknown cultural celebrities ranging from Goethe in the 18th century to the later Chaplin in the western world, all have spoken highly of Chinese shadow play art. 西方世界从十八世纪的歌德到后来的卓别林等世界文化名人,对中国皮影戏艺术都曾给予过高度的评价。
- As an important school of Chinese shadow puppet theater, the jidong puppet theater occupies an emblematic status in the Chinese shadow puppet scene. 摘要冀东皮影戏做为中国影戏的重要支脉,在当下中国影戏格局中具有标志性的地位。
- Means of Existence of Chinese Shadow Play and Its Change 论中国影戏的生存方式及其变迁
- The English language is not allied to the Chinese. 英语与汉语不属于同一语系。
- The Chinese eat with chopsticks. 中国人用筷子吃饭。
- He knows how to play the Chinese lute. 他会弹琵琶。
- The Chinese are industrious people. 中国人民是一个勤劳的民族。
- I will take you to one Chinese shadow puppet show. 我会带你去看中国皮影表演的。
- The Chinese are unanimous in their condemnation. 全中国人民一致提出谴责。
- The Chinese I knew were trusting, open, and vital. 我所认识的中国人信赖别人,坦率,充满活力。
- We visited the Chinese community in San Francisco. 我们访问了旧金山的华人社区。
- This is the Chinese colony in New York. 这是纽约华侨的聚居区。
- The last Chinese Shadow Play 秦腔,最后的华县皮影
- The Chinese belong to the yellow race. 中国人属于黄种人。
- Any ideas about Shadow play? Sounds interesting, isn't it! 皮影戏是什么?听起来很有趣哦!
- After production, the shadow play and singcun tong . 制作完后,便与村童唱影玩乐。
- The Chinese government will pay all my travel expenses. 中国政府将担负我的交通费用。