- the Countryside of Guangxi 广西农村
- Bands of soldiers ravaged the countryside. 成群的士兵洗劫了乡村。
- The expressway mars the beauty of the countryside. 这条高速公路破坏了农村的田园美景。
- The big new road mars the beauty of the countryside. 这条新的大路破坏了农村的美景。
- The rape of the countryside had a profound ravage on them. 对乡村的掠夺给他们造成严重创伤。
- We stood on the top of the mountain and surveyed the countryside. 我们站在山顶上,眺望乡村。
- Guangdong is on the east of Guangxi. 广东与广西东部毗邻。
- The laboring-peasant economy plays a very important role in developing the countryside of Chongqing. 摘要民工经济对重庆农村的发展具有非常重要的意义。
- He often dreams about his days in the countryside. 他常梦见在乡下的那些日子。
- Let's pack up and spend a week in the countryside. 咱们收拾好东西到乡下去过一个星期吧。
- Lawrence expresses a passionate love for nature and the countryside of England in his works. 劳伦斯在他的作品中充分表达了对自然和英格兰乡村的挚爱。
- What could be more fascinating than a leisurely trip through the countryside of Andalusia? 有什么比安达卢西亚惬意之旅更令人留恋?
- Adela is a young girl of 16 years who lives in the countryside of the Andes Mountains far away from the city. 阿德拉是一个十六岁的年轻女孩,住在南美安地斯山脉离城市很远的一个乡下里。
- The countryside was bathed in brilliant sunshine. 这一带乡村沐浴在阳光里。
- For the next six and a half years, Betancourt was kept in places all over the countryside of Columbia. 在接下来的六年半里,贝当古被关的地方遍及哥伦比亚各地的乡间。
- After some years of urban nomadicism in the North, panai moved back to Taitung, the countryside of her origin. 台东,和台湾西岸城市隔著两座山脉,位于菲律宾版块的前端,属于另一个随著潮汐韵律呼吸舞动的次元。
- Good Quality Benefit Enterprise of Guangxi. 广西区质量效益型企业。
- They have a summer residence in the countryside. 他们在乡间有夏季住宅。
- Journal of Guangxi Institute of Technology. 刊名:广西工学院学报。
- I feel healthier after a visit to the countryside. 到乡下走了一趟后我觉得身体更健康。