- British anthropologist who examined the importance of magic, religion, and science to the development of human thought in his most famous work, The Golden Bough(1890). 弗雷泽,詹姆斯·乔治1854-1941英国人类学家,在其最著名的作品金枝中研究了巫术、宗教和科学对于人类思想发展的重要性
- Mistletoe also known throughout history as the golden bough has several different legends associated with its beginning and its meaning. 关于槲寄生作为金枝的开始和它的涵义有几个不同版本的传说。
- Similarly, British anthropologist Sir James George Frazer proposed a three-stage evolutionary scheme in The Golden Bough. 本题空格出现在第五段中。上文提到神话研究专家们寻找一种衍生了欧洲所有民族神话的母神话。
- Giulio Camillo indicated the mythological reference for this box: the Latin hero Aeneas, taking the golden bough to penetrate into the Ades. 噶米洛指出了这个盒子的神话来源:古罗马神话中的英雄埃涅阿斯手持金树枝打开了地狱之门。
- British anthropologist who examined the importance of magic,religion,and science to the development of human thought in his most famous work,The Golden Bough(1890). 弗雷泽,詹姆斯·乔治1854-1941英国人类学家,在其最著名的作品金枝中研究了巫术、宗教和科学对于人类思想发展的重要性。
- British anthropologist who examined the importance of magic, religion, and science to the development of human thought in his most famous work, The Golden Bough(1890. 弗雷泽,詹姆斯 乔治1854-1941英国人类学家,在其最著名的作品金枝中研究了巫术、宗教和科学对于人类思想发展的重要性
- The Silver Age came next, inferior to the golden. 接下来的是逊于黄金时代的白银时代。
- Kill not the goose that lays the golden eggs. [谚]杀鸡取蛋,愚蠢荒唐。
- development of human thought in his most famous work, The Golden Bough(1890 弗雷泽,詹姆斯·乔治1854-1941英国人类学家,在其最著名的作品金枝中研究了巫术、宗教和科学对于人类思想发展的重要性
- From about1880 to1903 was truly the golden age of mountaineering. 从大约1880年到1903年,确实是登山运动的黄金时期。
- The golden rule in playing tennis is to watch the ball closely. 打网球最重要的一点就是紧盯著球。
- The Elizabethan period was the golden age of English drama. 伊丽莎白时期是英国戏剧的黄金时代。
- The golden fish stirred the waters of the pond. 金鱼来回游动,搅动了池水。
- He stuffed the golden eagle which he shot. 他把他打的那只金鹰制成了标本。
- She is the golden girl of US tennis. 她是美国网球界最有出息的姑娘。
- He seemed for a while the golden Ugly Man. 有一阵子他似乎成了一个丑陋的风云人物。
- We're going to tent in the Golden Hill for a week. 我们将在金山宿营一周。
- The Silver Age came next,inferior to the golden. 接下来的是逊于黄金时代的白银时代。
- Don't miss the golden opportunity. 勿失良机
- The memory image would thus be a man, possibly one's friend, with a silk mantle pulling a golden bough with his mouth and giving it to the incumbent. 如此,记忆形象就成为了一个男子,可能是想象者本人的朋友,身披丝质斗篷,用嘴拉出一根金树枝,然后交给想象者。