- The Order of the Holy Sepulchre is an elite group of specially trained nuns,the world's powerful exorcists. 圣墓会是由一群受过特训的修女组成的世界上最强的驱魔人组织。
- Many churches, including the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, were destroyed and others were damaged. 很多教堂,包括圣墓教堂,都被毁,而其他的却被损坏了。
- The Wailing Wall delimits the quarters of the different religious communities, while the Resurrection rotunda in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre houses Christ's tomb. 哭墙分隔出代表三种不同宗教的部分,圣墓大教堂的复活大殿里庇护着耶稣的墓地。
- The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the prime destination of the Crusaders, was magnificently restored in stone, in Romanesque fashion. 他们复兴了基督教传统,重建了教堂和修道院。十字军最初的目的地,圣墓教堂,以罗马的风格,镶嵌了华丽的宝石。
- The Great Khan has asked for some oil from the lamp that bums in the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem; and so thither they first went, and then by way of Cilicia into Armenia. 忽必烈汗想从耶路撒冷圣墓点燃的神灯中获得一些油,因此他们首先去了那儿,然后经过西利西亚,进入亚美尼亚。
- During the imprisonment of the Franciscans (1537-1540), the Copts obtained permission from the Turkish government to erect an altar behind the Aedicula of the Holy Sepulchre. 在西元1537-1540年,方济各会受禁期间,埃及的基督徒在圣墓/复活大殿处的署所后面,建造了一座祭坛。
- By order of the Emperor Constantine and under the auspices of his mother, the Empress Helena the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the Church of the Resurrection were built in Jerusalem. 在君士坦丁皇帝的命令下,由他的母亲海伦娜皇太后赞助,在耶路撒冷建立了圣墓教堂和纪念耶稣复活教堂。
- You can find this sentence in the Holy Bible. 你可以在圣经上找到这句话。
- the Holy Sepulchre,ie the one in which Jesus Christ was laid 圣墓(耶稣的墓).
- He reads the Holy Scripture everyday. 他每天都读《圣经》。
- The holy man healed them of their sickness. 那位神职人员治好了他们的疾病。
- The holy Roman empire is neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire. 神圣罗马帝国既费神圣、亦非罗马、更非帝国。
- Jerusalem was regarded as the holy place by the Christians. 耶路撒冷被基督徒们认为是圣地。
- The Christians once had abidance in the holy hill of Palestine. 基督徒昔时居住于巴勒斯坦的圣山上。
- Through the narrow, winding streets they passed until they came at last to the Holy Sepulchre, where men said the body of the Saviour had been laid 他们穿过狭窄曲折的街道,最后来到相传埋葬救世主遗骸的圣墓。
- Their behaviour profaned the holy place. 他们的行为玷污了这处圣地。
- The holy ceremony he has just heard has moved him. 刚才听到的圣事礼仪把他打动了。
- She could feel the holiness of the place. 她能感受到这地方的神圣气氛。
- Teaching is one of the holiest tasks. 教书是最神圣的工作之一。
- Many were his exploits in the Holy Land. 他在圣地的事迹很多。