- Implement the Huffman coder with LUT(look up table) mode, according to the orderliness of Huffman coding table, using less store unit. 用查表方式完成了霍夫曼编码模块,依据霍夫曼编码表的规律性,用较少的存储单元完成霍夫曼编码的运算。
- Huffman Code can not carry out!!! 我的这个C代码总不能实现.
- the Huffman coding 哈夫曼编码
- The count is then constructed into a binary tree using the Huffman algorithm to generate an optimized bit length coding. 然后,将该次数数字转化成二进制树状结构,再运用霍夫曼运算法则生成经优化的位长编码。
- For example, we will be using the Huffman Header 3 3 3 3 1. 例如,我们正在使用的霍夫曼代码注释头是33331。
- The basic idea of Huffman coding is to re-code the character with the maximum count with the least bits. 霍夫曼编码的基本思路是对字符重新编码,最大的“次数”用最少的比特(位)。
- The general idea of Huffman coding is to keep count of the number of times a character appears in the input stream. 霍夫曼编码的指导思想是记录输入数据流中某个字符出现的次数。
- The JPEG encoder includes DCT, Zigzag scan, Quantization, DPCM&RLE and Huffman coding. JPEG编码器又由DCT模块、Zigzag_scan模块、Quantization模块、DPCM编码和游程编码模块、Huffman编码等组成。
- The 2nd way of implementing the header requires you to use consecutive Huffman coding. 第二种处理注释头方法要求你用到“连续霍夫曼编码”。
- Results from experiments show that the algorithm in discussion has a better compression ratio than RLE coding,Huffman coding and LZ77. 实验结果显示本方法的压缩比高于游程编码、哈夫曼编码,较LZ77编码也有一定优势。
- Modified Huffman Code (MHC) and Modified Reference Address Code (MRC) are Standards of Generation 3 Fax Information Source Coding. 改进的霍夫曼码 (MHC)及改进的相对地址码(MREAD Code)是三类传真机信源编码的标准。
- Based on the grouping Huffman coding method a more efficient coding method, i.e. adaptive grouping Huffman is presented. 摘要在分组霍夫曼编码的基础上提出了一种更有效的编码方法,即自适应分组霍夫曼编码方法。
- Compared with the traditional Huffman coding method, this method improves the compression ratio obviously without much increase in complexity. 与基于小波变换的霍夫曼编码方法相比,压缩比大大提高,而计算复染度只是略有增加。
- Image coding, including Huffman coding, Shannon coding, bit-plane coding, such as complete source code can be used directly. (译):图像编码,包括Huffman编码,香农编码,位平面编码,如完整的源代码可以直接使用。
- Data to the Huffman tree to write a Huffman decoding things, that is, a Huffman algorithm. 学数据到哈夫曼树时写的一个哈夫曼编码译码的东西;就是一个哈夫曼算法.
- This paper presents a way of using Huffman coding and optimal Bina- ry Tree technique to compress ASCII files in order to economize store memory space and security. 提供了一种在IBM-PC机上,使用哈夫曼(Huffman)编码技术对ASCII码文件进行最优压缩的方法。
- This paper will implement Huffman coding by Perl programming,and describe the basic idea of the Perl program and application skills of Perl data structures. 采用Perl语言编程来产生Hu ffm an编码;并阐述了用Perl编写此程序的基本思想及其数据类型的使用技巧.
- At the same time, also in accordance with the corresponding Huffman tree, the Huffman encoding of characters into a document file decompression. 同时,亦可根据对应的哈夫曼树,将哈夫曼编码文件解压成字符文件。
- There are several methods for EEG data compression, such as Huffman coding, DPCM/ADPCM, visiting distance coding, vector quantization, arithmetic coding, etc. . 对数据进行压缩的方法很多,一些通用的压缩算法如Huffman编码,DPCM/ADPCM,游程编码,矢量量化,算术编码等等。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。