- the Inscriptions of Yin Ruins 殷墟卜辞
- oracle bone inscriptions of Eastern Huayuanzhuang in Yin Ruins 花东甲骨
- There Is or Not of Passive Form on Oracle Bone Inscriptions of Yin Dynasty Ruins 关于殷墟甲骨文中有无被动句式的问题
- The Yin Ruins is famous for the oracle inscriptions, the bronze wares and the ancient capital of the Shang Dynasty. 殷墟因甲骨文、青铜器和商朝古都而闻名。
- Study on Magnetic Susceptibility of Soil Profile in the Area of Yin Ruins 殷墟地区土壤剖面磁化率变化特征
- The inscription of the monument has worn away over a long period of time. 年深月久, 碑文已经磨灭了。
- the Inscriptions of Bones or Tortoise 甲骨文
- An excess of yin leads to yang deficiency. 阴盛阳衰
- The inscription on the coin had worn away. 铸造在硬币上的文字已经磨损。
- Yin Ruins was the site of an ancient capital city 3, 000 years ago. 殷墟是3 000年前古代都城的遗址。
- He puzzled out the meaning of the inscription. 他推敲出了那铭文的含义。
- We couldn't make out the inscription. 我们辨认不清这些字迹。
- The inscription on the stone had worn away. 刻在石头上的文字已磨损了。
- The inscription of this name on the horizontal board above the door of the hall was done by Emperor Shunzhi. 匾额上的“瀛台”两字,乃顺治皇帝题写。
- Six lines of building base of quadrangle was discovered in Yin Ruins. 对殷墟某一区域建筑基址的大面积揭露,在殷墟考古上是极为难得的。
- The inscription was still legible. 铭文仍清晰可辨。
- A Study on the Inscriptions of the Guodian Chu Slips 郭店楚简文字研究
- Shi: It's a rearrangement of yin and yang.I wanted a big sound. 史:确实是阴差阳错的,本来我想让它有很大的声音。
- The inscription of Mr. Cheng Siwei, the Vice-Chairman of the National People's Congress for MTU Maintenance Zhuhai Co. Ltd. 成思危副委员长为摩天宇公司题词。
- oracle bone inscriptions in the Yin Ruins 殷墟卜辞