- Mr Taheri views the Islamic Republic as an aberration. 塔哈里认为伊斯兰共和国行为有误。
- That is what those outsiders who see the Islamic Republic as a crude despotism lacking popular support sincerely hope. 这是那些将伊斯兰共和国视为独夫专制的局外人所梦想的。
- Ayatollah Khamenei said the Islamic Republic would not cheat or betray the vote of the people. 哈梅内伊说,伊斯兰共和国不会欺骗或者背叛人民的选举结果。
- Mohsen M. Milani, "Reform and Resistance in the Islamic Republic of Iran", Iran at Crossroads, NewYork, 2001, p.37. 引自伊朗总统哈塔米在第53届联合国大会第八次全体会议上的讲话.
- The legitimacy of the Islamic Republic has been spectacularly tarnished, both at home and abroad. 这个伊斯兰共和国的合法性也因此染上污点,而受到国内和国外舆论的质疑。
- Having previously played their hand quite skilfully, the Islamic Republic's leaders face an acute dilemma. 伊斯兰共和国领导人玩先发制人的招数已经相当地轻车熟路,不过处境却进退两难。
- This issue has been a source of tension between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran. 这个问题是美国与伊朗伊斯兰共和国之间关系紧张的一个根源。
- The Delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran thanked the member States for their positive step to put proposals before the IIM. 伊朗伊斯兰共和国代表团感谢各成员国采取积极步骤向IIM提交提案。
- I also wish to express our thanks to the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran for hosting the Conference of Dialogue of Asian Civilizations. 对伊朗政府召开此次亚洲文明对话会议表示感谢。
- They would be the first female cabinet ministers in the history of the Islamic Republic, although there have been female vice-presidents before. 这两名女性都将成为伊斯兰共和国历史上的首位女内阁大臣,虽然此前也有女性担任过副总统一职。
- A clampdown by the army and police, with Mr Ahmadinejad brazening out his critics, would wreck the Islamic Republic's democratic pretensions for good. 军警的镇压,Ahmadinejad厚着脸皮对待批评,将会永远摧毁伊斯兰共和国自称的民主。
- More recently, antigovernment protests have veered toward increasingly bold calls for the end of the Islamic Republic itself. 最近,反政府抗议活动越来越将矛头对准了结束伊朗伊斯兰共和国本身。
- They are painfully aware of the damage months of repression have done to the Islamic Republic's claims to moral rectitude. 他们心痛得看到累月的镇压已经伤害了伊斯兰共和国一贯主张的正直道德。
- Nassim Hassanpour, a teenage markswoman in the 10 metre air pistol event, is the sole female athlete the Islamic Republic of Iran sent to the 2004 Olympics. 娜斯·哈桑波儿是一名年仅十几岁的十米气手枪选手,她也是2004年奥运会伊朗派出的唯一一名女运动员。
- The Delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran stated that regarding the renewal of IIM, they had still not finished their work and needed to reach a compromise. 伊朗伊斯兰共和国代表团说,关于IIM的展期问题,与会者仍未完成工作,有必要达成妥协。
- Several other Asian countries - Bangladesh, India, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Japan and Turkey - also figure in the world's top 20 potato producing countries. 亚洲的其他几个国家,即孟加拉国、印度、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、日本和土耳其也跻身于全球20大马铃薯生产国之列。
- The first case was a 14-year-old boy from the rural district of Dogubayazit, in the eastern province of Agri, which borders the Islamic Republic of Iran and Armenia. 第一个病例,是该国东部阿勒省下乡的多乌巴亚泽特地区一名14岁的男孩。
- This pits Mr Khamenei against a wily former president who until recently was often regarded as the Islamic Republic's second-most-powerful man, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani. 而这场纷争将使得哈梅内伊走向阿克巴尔-哈什米-拉夫桑贾尼的对立面,阿克巴尔-哈什米-拉夫桑贾尼是伊朗前总统,生性狡猾,直至当下仍被认为是伊斯兰国家的第二号人物。
- Mr Ahmadinejad, it seems, is out to prove that his punchy chauvinism, rather than Mr Khatami's quiet diplomacy, will win the Islamic Republic its rightful place in the sun. 内贾德似乎不能证明他强烈的沙文主义,而是哈塔米平静的外交政策,能为伊朗伊斯兰共和国在阳光下赢得理应享有的地位。
- In February 2005 the UN's top official on women's rights, Yakin Erturk, chastised Iran over what she said were abuses and discrimination built in to the Islamic republic's laws. 今年2月间,负责维护妇女权益的联合国最高官员艾图克女士斥责了伊朗,她认为(对妇女的)迫害和歧视源自此一伊斯兰教共和国的法律。