- Comparison between Culture of Zhao Kingdom in pre Qin Period and the Reformative Opening Spirit in Athenian Culture 先秦赵文化与古希腊雅典文化改革开放精神比较
- Mohism thoughts in Pre Qin Dynasty involved abundant thoughts on HR management. 先秦墨家思想中包含着丰富的人力资源管理心理思想。
- Zhongshan State in pre - Qin period 先秦中山国
- Having the Whole World and Moral Consciousness in Mind--To Analyse the Strategic Culture of the Confucian Violent Idea in Pre - Qin Period 天下情怀与道德理性:先秦儒家暴力观念的战略文化分析
- The Influence of the Musical Aesthetics in pre - Qin Period to the Bell and Chime Inscriptions Discovered at the Tomb of Marquis Yi of the Zeng State 先秦音乐美学思想对曾侯乙钟磬形成的影响
- the Jurists in Pre-Qin period 先秦法家
- Abstract: The luck and motto seal of the Han Dynasty, like the guxi of pre - Qin period, had not the function of a keepsake.Its content includes auspicious words or mottos for morality cultivation. 摘 要: 汉印中的吉语格言印如同先秦时期的吉语格言古玺一样,并不具备信物的功能,其内容往往都是一些以祈福为目的的吉祥语词或修身的箴言。
- Guo Moruo,as an outstanding historian,archaeologist, writer and poet in contemporary Chinese history,made unparalleled achievements in the study of pre Qin history. 郭沫若是中国现代杰出的历史学家、考古学家、古文字学家、作家和诗人,他在先秦史研究中取得了前人无法与之相比的成就。
- The jurist entirely lost sight of the personal conditions of the accused, and the social conditions of the community. 法官完全忽略了被告人的具体情况和其社区的社会环境。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- Confucianism in the Pre - Qin period 先秦儒家
- Abstract: Cardozo is a famous judge and a prominent jurist in particular. 文章摘要: 卡多佐是一位著名的法官,更是一位成果卓著的法哲学家。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- A fire was burning in the grate. 火在壁炉中燃烧着。
- But since Mr.Musharraf resigned, they have been at an impasse, with the PPP reluctant to reinstate the jurists. 但穆沙拉夫辞职后,双方一直处于僵局状况,人民党不愿恢复这些法官的职务。
- It originated from early Qin period, developed initially during Han and Tang dynasties and promoted enormously in modern times. 汉民族凝聚力发端于先秦,初步发展于汉唐,提升于宋元明清,升华于近现代。
- Bracton and his successors, i.e., many common law jurists in different periods have made efforts to enrich this thought. 从布拉克顿开始,不同时期的普通法学家对这一观念进行了丰富。
- You didn't embarrass me in the slightest. 你一点也没让我为难。