- Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has pledged to work with Turkey and the Kurdish regional government to resolve the conflict. 伊拉克总理努里基地马利基曾承诺在工作中与土耳其和库尔德地区政府,以解决冲突。
- Mrs Clinton also opposes permanent bases, but says a residual American force may have to linger, perhaps based in the Kurdish region. 克林顿夫人也反对永久性基地,但她说剩下的美军将不得不留下来,可能驻扎在库尔德人地区。
- The Kurdish regional government also shares this view, and has been working to revise its foreign investment law to attract international investors to the north. 库尔德斯坦的地方政府也赞同这种观点,而且已经对外国投资法进行修订以吸引国际投资者到北部。
- So far, he says, seven ministers in the Kurdish regional government, more than 100 assembly members and at least 50 academics have taken flats in Naz City. 他说,至今已有七名库尔德地方政府部长,超过100名议会成员和至少50名学者在纳兹城拥有公寓。
- Ominously, the Turkish Human Rights Foundation says that, this year alone, over 30 people have been killed in alleged police violence, mostly in the Kurdish region. 一个不祥的预兆是,据土耳其人权组织说,尽在今年,就有三十人因为被怀疑袭击警察而被杀,大部分这样的事件都发生在库尔德地区。
- The French Press Agency reported that Gul would also be meeting, separately, with the head of the Kurdish regional government, Nechirvan Barzani to discuss how the new accord would be implemented. 法新社报导说;居尔还将另外会晤库尔德自治区政府领导人巴尔扎尼;讨论如何实施这一新的协定.
- the minister for human rights for the Kurdish regional government 库尔德地区政府负责人权事务的部长
- the Kurdish regional 库尔德地区
- The rebels, known as the PKK, have waged a decades-long battle for an autonomous Kurdish region in Turkey's southeast. 库尔德反抗组织,被称为PKK,为在土耳其东南部成立自治的库尔德区域进行了长达数十年的战斗。
- There was no voting in the semiautonomous Kurdish region in the north, or in the divided city of Kirkuk. 半自治的北方库尔德地区没有进行选举。
- The Kurds expect a referendum in Kirkuk that would lead to the province joining the highly autonomous Kurdish region ruled by the Kurdistan regional government in northern Iraq. 游击战仍然持续,虽然规模小了许多,阿拉伯人也没有因为新宪法的制定以及总理的允诺而离开,甚至,阿拉伯人仍然是该地区的多数族群。
- The head of security in northern Iraq's Kurdish region (Hakem Qadir) said the three had been staying at a mountain resort near the Iraq-Iran border. 伊拉克北部库尔德地区的安全首脑说,这三人当时住在伊拉克和伊朗交界处的一个山区渡假地。
- The Arabs and Turkomans insist that the city, now reckoned to contain some 850,000 people, should never be part of an autonomous Kurdish region. 阿拉伯人和土库曼人坚持认为目前约85万人口的基尔库克绝不应成为库尔德自治区。
- Yet he expelled many Kurds from their homes and destroyed all the Kurdish villages along a border area with lran. 但是他将许多库尔德人赶离了他们的家园,并且捣毁了伊拉克与伊朗边界上所有的库尔德村庄。
- Saddam Hussein proposed the most complete self-government plan ever offered to the Kurdish people in northern Iraq. 萨达姆?侯赛因提议给伊拉克北部的库尔德人完全的自治权。
- The Kurdish enclave in the north is the most successful part of post-Saddam Iraq. 被包围在北部的库尔德成为后萨达姆时代伊拉克最成功的一部分。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The Kurdish members of the parliament want a referendum to determine who control the multiethnic city. 委员们抗议是因为不知道选举究竟怎样才能在是非之地的石油之城基尔库克举行。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。