- As night approached, the lantern fairs on Mid-Autumn Day became quite lively. 入夜,灯市一片繁华。
- She left the lantern pendent from the ceiling. 她让灯笼从屋顶上吊著。
- The lantern light suddenly fell on a curious object. 手提灯的光忽然照在一个奇怪的东西上。
- The lantern hanging at her waggon had gone out. 她车上挂的那个灯笼已经灭了。
- Then they lit a fire to fly the lantern. 然后他们就点燃放飞灯笼。
- Chen Xiang: Mom, you don't want the lantern light? 沉香:妈妈,你不想让灯亮吗?
- The lantern was bought when I was visiting a temple fair. 这个灯笼是在赶庙会的时候买的。
- The lantern oscillated violently, and went out. 路灯猛烈地摇晃着,熄灭了。
- He turned the lantern so that I saw what it was. 他把灯笼转过来,使我看见了那是什么东西。
- the Lantern Fair 灯会
- The major activity of “Flower Fair” is a flower show, integrating flowers and birds, painting and calligraphy, lantern fair, performance and industrial arts. “花街”的主要活动内容是花展,并融花鸟、书画、灯会、文艺表演、工艺美术多种艺术为一体。
- The lantern hanging overhead swung in the wind. 吊在高处的灯在风中摇动。
- He extended his arm and adjusted the lantern again. 他一伸手,忙着去把灯扭亮了。
- The lantern slides show scene of the beach. 幻灯片显示出海滩的景色。
- The Lantern Festival parade is on tomorrow. 元宵节灯会就在明天举行。
- They put a stock of candle ends into the lantern. 他们把一堆蜡烛头放到灯笼里。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- How celebrate people the Lantern Festival, usually? 人们通常怎么庆祝元宵节?
- Discover her where the lantern ligths are dim. 那人却在灯火阑珊处.
- At the Lantern Festival the next year, Xu Deyan took his half of the mirror to the fair. 在第二年的元宵节上,徐德言带着他的半边铜镜来到集市上,渴望能遇见他的妻子。