- So they forsook the Lord and served Baal and the Ashtaroth. 士2:13并离弃耶和华、去事奉巴力和亚斯他录。
- The three Estates of the Realm,ie(in Britain)the bishops,the lords and the common people (欧洲封建时代的)三个等级(在英国为僧侣、贵族和平民).
- Say: "Who is the Lord and Sustainer of the heavens and the earth? 你说:“谁是天地的主?”
- the Lords and the Commons 上议院和下议院的议员.
- But it is almost certain that when you are grown up and with children of your own that the Lords and the Commons will still be in the Palace of Westminster as they have been for more than 400 years. 但基本上可以断定,当下一代长大成人并生儿育女时,上下两院还将如过去四百多年来一样坐落在西敏斯特宫。
- In the 18th and 19th centuries, the lords had far more influence than it has today and the commons were also really gentry on the edge of aristocracy. 18世纪和19世纪,上议院比今曰的影响大的多,并且下议院处于贵族的边缘上,也相当“贵气”。
- Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there. 把你的重担交给主,让它留在主那里。
- It later deeloped into the House of Lords and the House of Commons. 大议会发展到后来演变成议会,分为上议院和下议院。
- The lords and ladies feasted on venison. 先生太太们享用了鹿肉。
- And the priest put overseers over the Lords house. 祭司耶何耶大派官看守耶和华的殿。
- To Titus, mine own son after the common faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour. 现在写信给提多、就是照著我们共信之道作我真儿子的.愿恩惠平安、从父神和我们的救主基督耶稣归与你。
- And the Lord set a mark upon Cain--Genesis. 上帝在该隐身上留了一个标记。
- And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? 耶和华问撒但说,你从那里来。
- Many of the common materials of the earth's crust may alternate between the living and the nonliving states. 地球表面上有许多普通的状之都可能在有生命和无生命中交替。
- The bulk of the work is done by the Lords of Appeal in Ordinary, who are paid to work full time on the judicial functions of the House of Lords and the Privy Council. 常任上诉法官负责执行上议院和枢密院的司法职能,而其性质是全职的,所以司法委员会的工作亦主要由他们负责。
- Go into the rocks, hide in the ground from dread of the Lord and the splendor of his majesty! 你当进入岩穴,藏在土中,躲避耶和华的惊吓和他威严的荣光。
- From then on, a covenant was made between the Lord and the Israelites, and everyone was pleased. 从此以后,上帝和犹太人之间,开始有一个合约,这样大家就高兴了。
- And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? 耶和华问撒但说,你曾用心察看我的仆人约伯没有。
- The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the Lord and against his Anointed One. 世上的君王一齐起来,臣宰一同商议,要敌挡耶和华并他的受膏者
- All the silver and gold and the articles of bronze and iron are sacred to the Lord and must go into his treasury. 惟有金子、银子,和铜铁的器皿都要归耶和华为圣,必入耶和华的库中。