- the MING an QING Dynasty 明清
- The fable of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. 九、元明清时期寓言。
- There is no doubt that the Qing Dynasty postdates the Ming Dynasty. 毫无疑问,清朝继明朝之后。
- Great changes had taken place in the Yuan,the Ming and the Qing Dynasty and the Dai culture of law as an important part of social culture had also seen changes. 元明清时期傣族社会发生巨大的变化,作为社会文化重要组成部分的傣族法律文化,在这一历史阶段也发生了变化,法律文化性质由早期的奴隶制性质向明代以后的封建领主制变化;
- The frequent use of "guoran" as an adverb began in the Yuan Dynasty, and that as a conjunction began in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. 但“果然”作为副词用法的大量出现,是从元代开始的;作为连词用例的急剧增加则是在明清时期。
- When the Qing Dynasty replaced the Ming Dynasty in 1644,it further strengthened administration over Tibet. 1644年,清王朝取代了明王朝,进一步加强了对西藏的治理。
- When the Qing Dynasty replaced the Ming Dynasty in 1644, it further strengthened administration over Tibet. 1644年,清王朝取代了明王朝,进一步加强了对西藏的治理。
- Beijing roast duck used to be one of the special dishes of the "Imperial Meals"in the Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. 北京烤鸭曾经是明清两朝的宫膳特色菜肴。
- This article analyszes the social change of the Fujiang Region in the Ming Qing dynasty with the case of Huangyao. 本文以府江流域昭平县的黄姚镇为具体个案,分析这一区域在明清时期变迁的过程。
- During the Ming and Qing dynasty, the pawnbroking of Huizhou spread all over the country. 明清时期,徽州典当业在全国各地所见颇多。
- Sure. The palace Museum is the official name given by the Government. of new China to the imperial palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasty. 当然,故宫博物院是后来新中国政府定的,明、清两朝皇家宫殿的官方名称。
- In the Ming and Qing dynasties, many students of the Imperial College dreamed that they would be able to get an official rank through passing exams. 在古代许多监生都梦想着自己能考取功名。
- In the Ming and Qing Dynasty and owing to the strong influence of Han culture, filial piety became a popular theme in Bai folk literature. 明清时期,由于汉文化的强力渗透,孝道观念在白族民间文学中演绎成为一道壮观的主题风景。
- It was first introduced during the Ming and Qing dynasties. 最早始于明清之际,当时称洋画。
- Sure. The palace Museum is the official name given by the Government. of new China to the imperial palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasty. 导游:当然,故宫博物院是后来新中国政府定的,明、清两朝皇家宫殿的官方名称。
- Located in the middle of South Street, was built in the Ming dynasty, the Qing Dynasty, Junji, Qianlong years are rebuilt. 位于南街正中,始建于明朝,清朝顺治、乾隆年间均有重修。
- General Li Shing-dong from early Qing Dynasty was attracted to renowned courtesan Cheung Yuk-kiu, concubine of General Chan from the Ming court. 清初名妓张玉乔,深得李成栋倾慕,惟玉乔独爱广东名将陈子壮忠义,甘愿委身作妾。
- The foundation on which the city developed was the commercial trade in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and entrepot trade was an important condition of city development too. 明清时期城市发展的基础是商业贸易,转运贸易也是城市发展的重要条件。
- The Qing Dynasty ceded Hong Kong to Britain. 清王朝把香港割让给了英国。
- Long Fusi in the capital in the Ming Dynasty is the only fan (Lama), meditation (monk) in the same temple, become a full Lama Miao Qing Dynasty. 隆福寺在明代是京城唯一的番(喇嘛)、禅(和尚)同驻的寺院,清代成为完全的喇嘛庙。