- It was survivals of the mediaeval sanctuaries. 它是中世纪庇护所的遗风。
- The Part of Speech and Origination of "wei" in the Mediaeval Chinese Interrogative Sentences 中古汉语疑问句中"为"字的词性及来源
- the Mediaeval Chinese 中古汉语
- It was survival of the mediaeval sanctuaries. 它是中世纪庇护所的遗风。
- This dissertation is a special research on the mediaeval history of the Chinese dialectology. “颜师古注引方俗语研究”是汉语方言学史中古阶段的专题研究。
- Morphemication is the natural Outcome of "double sound expression" of Chinese glossary, which might occur in the mediaeval period of Chinese language history. 语素化是汉语词语双音化的必然结果,其普遍发生的时段应该是汉语发展史上的中古时期。
- The academic research played an important role in the rise and development of the mediaeval universities in Europe. 学术研究对于欧洲中世纪大学的兴起和发展起到了重要的推动作用。
- The office tower with its support net of subways, highways and power cables, could become an anachronism to place beside the mediaeval fortress. 高耸入云的办公大楼,连同为其配套的地铁、公路和电缆网络,有可能会成为不合时宜的事物而被遗弃在中世纪城堡的一侧。
- After destroy of the Norman, the classical rule of law becomes a few memory in the beginning of the mediaeval. 古典法治文明经过日尔曼人的摧残和践踏,及至中世纪早期,留给世人的仅为些许法治火花和零散的记忆。
- He remains the outstanding figure in the understanding of the Mediaeval History and Law of England. 他对于英格兰中世纪历史和法律有着出色理解和认识。
- The mediaeval burgesses and the small peasant proprietors were the precursors of the modern bourgeoisie. 中世纪的城关市民等级和小农等级是现代资产阶级的前身。
- Many connotations are developed on the basis of this denotation in the mediaeval times. 中古汉语时期,由此基本义产生出许多引申义。
- Imperative sentence of the mediaeval times established its historical status by pooling its o... 历时考察显示,中古是汉语句类成熟与定型的重要时期。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- The office tower with its support net of subways,highways and power cables,could become an anachronism to place beside the mediaeval fortress. 高耸入云的办公大楼,连同为其配套的地铁、公路和电缆网络,有可能会成为不合时宜的事物而被遗弃在中世纪城堡的一侧。
- The Renaissance movement of the 15th and 16th centuries was born out of a disenchantment with the Mediaeval philosophical and theological way of thinking. 十五、十六世纪的文艺复兴运动起源于对中世纪哲学和神学的思维方式的反叛。
- Temples and Monasteries in Luoyang was a literary work written in the mediaeval times, embodying linguistic features typical of that en. 这些双音节词有的是新词,有的是原来的词出现了新的意义。
- Certainly there seemed little harmony between this pagan literature and the mediaeval colleges at Christminster, that ecclesiastical romance in stone. 看来异教文学与基督堂的学院(石头也记载着教会种种动人事迹)之间断乎没有调和的余地啊。
- phonemic system of mediaeval Chinese 中古音
- Chaucer wrote in the late mediaeval period. 乔叟写作的时代是中世纪末。