- Illiteracy rates are high across the Muslim world. 在整个穆斯林世界,文盲率很高。
- the Muslim World League 伊斯兰教世界联盟
- But he has repeatedly upset fans in the Muslim world. 虽然在西方广受欢迎,但是奥玛雪瑞夫却一再激怒回教世界的影迷。
- There he'll deliver a major speech directed to the Muslim world. 那里他将向穆斯林世界发表一个重要的的演讲。
- A ban might be misunderstood abroad, and not only in the Muslim world. 禁令可能会在国外也被误解,而不仅是在穆斯林世界。
- A third is that anti-Americanism remains powerful across the Muslim world. 理由三,反美心态在穆斯林世界依然强烈。
- The Muslim world would see it as yet another instance of “attacking Islam”. 穆斯林世界会视这次攻击为对“穆斯林世界”的挑衅。
- The people or nations that practice Islam; the Moslem world. 穆斯林国度信奉伊斯兰教的民族或国家; 穆斯林世界
- Across much of the Muslim world, Ramadan began on Thursday, although Libyans and Nigerians began the fast one day before. 在穆斯林世界,斋月是周四开始的,利比亚和尼日利亚则提前一天开始入斋。
- Iranian women are, in fact, among the most educated and accomplished in the Muslim world. 实际上,在穆斯林世界里,伊朗妇女是受教育程度和技能最好的。
- He portrayed Obama as sowing the seeds of "revenge and hatred" in the Muslim world, particularly Pakistan. 他称奥巴马在穆斯林世界播下“报复和仇恨”的种子,特别是在巴基斯坦。
- Baghdad is one of the great cities of the Moslem world. 巴格达是穆斯林世界中一个伟大的城市。
- Mohammed was the founder of the Muslim religion. 穆罕默德是伊斯兰教的创始人。
- He spoke of reaching out to the Muslim world and also to tyrants who were “willing to unclench [their] fist”. 他谈到会向穆斯林国家及其他“愿意松手”的领袖伸出援手。
- The Muslim world was shaken again in 1037 with the invasion of the Seljuk Turks from the northeast. 1037年,随着土耳其的塞尔柱王朝从东北方入侵,穆斯林世界再次受到运摇。
- President Obama has made several overtures to Iran since taking office - part of his outreach to the Muslim world. 奥巴马总统自从上任以来已经向伊朗做出几次提议,这也是向穆斯林世界做出友善表示的一部分。
- Addressing the Muslim world, he said that “we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect. 关于穆斯林世界,他说“我们寻求一种新的方式来推进,以双边共同利益和相互尊重为基础”。
- As proof, Mr Brennan cited the president's efforts to reach out the Muslim world. 作为证据,布伦南提到了美国总统为接触了解穆斯林世界所作出的努力。
- Pope Benedict is expressing sympathy for religious minorities in the Muslim world. 罗马教皇本尼迪克特表示了对在穆斯林世界里的这些少数宗教分子的同情。
- Crescent is a sign of the Muslim religion. 新月形是伊斯兰教的象征。