- Second, the new historical conditions. 第二个问题,讲讲新的历史条件。
- It is my view that the new historical disciplines complement rather than supplant traditional history. 我认为这些新的历史学科对传统历史学起到了补充而非排挤作用。
- What is the new historical milestone? You will realize it if you purchase our new generation products. 什么是新的历史里程碑?购买了本公司的升级换代产品,您就明白了。
- In the new historical period, prison education should practice socialization and science, pay more attention to humanization. 在新的历史时期,监狱教育必须实行社会化、科学化,注重人性化。
- Under the new historical conditions,how to inherit and innovate political and ideological work is an important subject. 在新的历史条件下,如何继承和创新思想政治工作,是一个重要的课题。
- The new historical course standard has been strengthened to the conc ern that studies the course and method. 新的历史课程标准加强了对学习过程与方法的关注。
- Lenin in the new historical period as a whole to continue to deepen the scope of the overall system of innovation. 列宁在历史新时期从整体上继续深化了总体范畴体系的创新。
- The new chairman will shake up the company. 新任董事长将改组这家公司。
- Some negative things have been left over from the ten years of domestic chaos,and others have appeared and grown under the new historical conditions. 这里有十年内乱遗留下来的消极东西,也有在新的历史条件下产生和发展起来的消极东西。
- They all cooed over the new baby. 他们对着新生婴儿爱抚地轻声细语。
- The new historical characteristic of the Chinese revolution is its division into two stages, the first being the new-democratic revolution. 中国革命分为两个历史阶段,而其第一阶段是新民主主义的革命,这是中国革命的新的历史特点。
- And,if that is so,how can we arouse the students'enthusiasm for study and work and how can education meet the enormous demands placed on it by the new historical period? 那又怎么可能调动学生学习和劳动的积极性,怎么可能满足新的历史时期向教育工作提出的巨大要求?
- The novel was mauled by the New York critics. 这本小说受到纽约评论家的抨击。
- The new comer applied his mind to the job. 新来的职员工作专心致志。
- Coming to the principles and methods of Marxist critique of ideology Lenin animadverted on kinds of ideology of bourgeois creatively in the new historical period,e. 列宁继承马克思主义意识形态批判的原则和方法,在历史发展的新时期对资产阶级哲学、政治学和宗教等意识形态进行创造性的批判。
- In the new historical phase of constructing socialism harmonious society, the coordinating of reform has once again aroused the attention in the academic field. 摘要在构建社会主义和谐社会的新的历史阶段,改革的协调性问题再度引起学界的关注。
- The complete equipment of the new hospital will take a year. 新医院的全部设备需要一年才能装备好。
- The new director will shake up the company. 这位新董事长将对该公司进行改组。
- The new manager's job is to restore the company to profitability. 新经理的工作是让这家公司能恢复盈利状况。
- The new president carried out a purge of disloyal army officers. 新总统对不忠诚的陆军军官进行了一次整肃。