- How was the Great Wall built in the Qin and Han dynasties? 在秦汉时期长城是怎样修建的?
- It was during the Qin and Han Dynasties that the traditional Chinese agro-tech culture exchange reached its utmost for the first time. 摘要秦汉时期是中国古代传统农业科技文化对外往来交流的第一个鼎盛时期。
- During the Qin and Han dynasties, silk production and technology achieved a high state of development.Polychrome jin -silk attained technical excellence. 秦汉时期,中国丝绸日益辉煌,丝绸之路在汉代正式开通,五彩织锦成为最高的丝织技术。
- The changes of the Yundonghai wetland are analyzed.It is pointed out that the Yundonghai in Sanshui was the biggest lake in the Zhujiang Delta during the Qin and Han Dynasties. 分析了云东海湿地的变迁,指出在秦汉时期云东海曾是珠江三角洲最大的淡水湖泊,从明代至上个世纪末,云东海经历了由湖变田,再由田变塘的演变过程。
- In China, heroes really appeared in the Warring States Period and perfected in the Qin and Han Dynasties, companions with the Chinese feudalism and absolutism. 在中国,英雄史观实际形成于战国时,完备于秦汉时,它是中国封建专制主义的伴生物。
- Jinlin Promenade is one of the oldest and the busiest streets in Chengdu in history, and has got its reputation nationwide since the Qin and Han Dynasties and the Three-kingdom Period. 锦里是成都历史上最古老、最具有商业气息的街道之一,早在秦汉、三国时便闻名全国。
- For this reason, we clarify the rhymes used in the received Zhou yi can tong qi and compare them with rhymes of the dialects in the Qin and Han dynasties in the achievements extant. 为此,我们为传世本《周易参同契》作了厘定韵例、编制韵谱的工作,并从中分析出这部书用韵的特点。
- Chinese auspicious patterns originated from the Shang and Zhou dynasties, took shape in the Qin and Han dynasties, developed in the Tang and Song dynasties, and matured during the Ming and Qing dynasties. 中国的吉祥图案源于商周,始于秦汉,发育于唐宋,成熟于明清。
- There was a large development of commodity economy during the Qin and Han dynasties,which was displayed by obvious incerease of commodity exchange,prosperity of metropolis markets,and huge volume of circulating currency. 秦汉时期商品经济有较大的发展 ,主要体现在商品交换显著加强 ,都会市场呈现繁荣 ,以及货币流通量相对较大等三个方面。
- The eulogies during the Qin and Han Dynasties made great effects on the history of eulogy, including forms of works, ways of rhetoric, styles of aesthetics and connotation of philosophy, etc. 摘要秦汉颂在创作体制、修辞方式、审美风格及思想内涵等方面产生了新的突破,在颂的发展史上具有举足轻重的地位。
- Flourishing in the late period of the Warring States, the doctrine of Yinyang and Wu hsing has great influences on the social and historical development of the Qin and Han Dynasties. 阴阳五行思想在战国末期兴盛,并对秦汉时期的社会历史发展产生极大影响。
- This was called heqin (peace through marriage ties). During the Qin and Han dynasties, the Hun nomads became a threat to the people of the Central Plains, launching numerous southward invasions. 这叫做“和亲”(利用结婚来取得和平)。秦汉时期,匈奴成为了对中原人民的一种威胁,进行无数南下入侵
- As a native religion, Taoism developed from ancient sorceries and can be traced back to the witchcraft, astrology, divination, and geomancy in the Qin and Han Dynasties (221B.C.- A.D.220). 道教作为中国固有的宗教,源于古代的巫术和秦汉(公元前221年至公元220年)之际的神仙方术和阴阳五行之术。
- More essentially, instead of placing their emphasis on satisfying material necessities during the Qin and Han Dynasties, the garden designers tended to regard the gardens as a spirit inhabitation. 还在园林本质上发生了重大飞跃,由秦汉时期的侧重满足物质生活需求,转向魏晋时代的作为陶冶情操、安顿心灵的精神居所。
- Medicine China medicine complete system, also is establishes in the the Qin and Han Dynasty time. 医学中国医学的完整体系,也是在秦汉时期建立起来的。
- Gold and Silver Wares of the Qin and Han Dynasties 秦汉金银器
- Yulin City has a long history that can date back to the Qin and Han dynasty, because it was the intersection of Mongolia culture and Han culture. 关于榆林市的建城历史由来已久,最早可追溯到秦汉时期。
- Destinies of Legalists in the Qin and Han Dynasties 秦汉时期法家的命运
- Pottery Sculptures of the Qin and Han Dynasties 秦汉陶塑