- The queen mother waved to the crowd. 王太后向人群挥手。
- It is when surrounded by military or racing types that the Queen Mother obviously enjoys herself. 每当置身于军人或赛马人士之中,王太后明显地感到其乐融融。
- The Queen Mother last came to the school in 1991 and spent 3.5 hours here,during which time she spoke to about half the 500 pupils. 王太后上次来学校是1991年,在这里呆了三个半小时,跟500名学生中的大约一半人说了话。
- Afterwards she born a beautiful son, hence the queen mother at once write letter, and report the good news to him. 后来她生了一个漂亮的儿子,于是太后赶快写信,向他报告好消息。
- But the real governor is bigotry group led by Cixi, the queen mother, who abominated and opposed those measures. 但是真正执掌大全的是以慈禧太后为首的顽固派,他们非常憎恨这些举措,强烈反对。
- And many of the royals were surprised at how beautiful and mature the once-gawky girl had become.Even the Queen Mother. 而女人呢,在性高潮过程中,体内分泌肾上腺素和雌性激素,前一种激素能让女人的皮肤更光泽更有弹性,后一种激素能让女人的卵巢工作正常。
- The Queen Mother of the West was furious at Sun Wukong because he ruined her peach party. 因为孙悟空搅了蟠桃盛会,西王母大发雷霆。
- According to one theory, Qi Xian Nu is the adored daughter of the Queen Mother of the West. 说起来,七仙女也是王母娘娘的爱女呢。
- At the time when he was about to catch up with his wife,the Queen Mother made a billowy river. 眼看快要追上织女的时候,王母金簪一挥,天空出现一条天河。
- At the time when he was about to catch up with his wife, the Queen Mother made a billowy river. 眼看快要追上织女的时候,王母金簪一挥,天空出现了一天天河。
- The queen was gracious enough to invite us. 女王亲切地邀请了我们。
- In 1954, when the Queen Mother visited the US, the New York Times observed that she bought a deluxe Scrabble set, complete with revolving turntable. 1954年,英国皇太后访美时,《纽约时报》特意报道她购买了一套豪华型拼字游戏和与之配套的转台。
- The city was prettied up for a visit by the Queen. 那个城市为了迎接女王的来访而美化了一番。
- The queen mother bind the child on the king the empress of carry on the back, and the pitiful woman is then the eye full of tearsly walked. 太后把孩子绑在王后的背上,可怜的女人便眼泪汪汪地走了。
- The courtiers cringed before the Queen. 朝臣们在女王面前卑躬屈膝。
- "Ladder Nor on the roof, Gaoxiapinghu a Kam Kai, the Queen Mother Yao Chi Fu, Wun Sha fairy Xiafan to "You Baofeng Hu, you will appreciate this poetic. 云梯万丈上天台,高峡平湖一鉴开,王母瑶池金扶,浣沙仙女下凡来"游宝峰湖,你就会欣赏到这样的诗情画意。
- The Queen requited his services with a knighthood. 女王为表彰他的贡献封他为爵士。
- AD 189, the ling di death, Han Liu少 shao di dialectical ascended the throne, where the Queen Mother ling mang, relatives Hodge for the general. 公元189年,灵帝死,汉少帝刘辩即位,何太后临朝,外戚何进为大将军。
- Every one bowed as the Queen walked into the room. 女王走进房间时,每个人都鞠躬致敬。
- The Queen is making a private visit to Canada. 女王正对加拿大进行私人访问。