- The Real Right Law classifies property right into state ownership, collective ownership and private ownership, offering equal protection, which represents historic progress. 摘要物权法将财产所有权划分为国家所有权,集体所有权和私人所有权并对其提供平等保护的设计,是一个历史性的进步。
- The summary :The beneficial benefit contending for, the just having the real right, the real right law and the real right legal theories to talk the about the space that the can exist. 是指具有平等性、公平性、公正性的权利取代权力成为利益主体实现利益的根本手段。权利上升为国家意志层面,并且有限制规范权力的可能和必要。
- Thereafter the author suggests the term "habitatio" be specifically provided in the Real Rights Law of China and defined as "the right of using the other's house for dwelling". 最后提出我国物权法对于这种因居住而使用他人房屋的权利,应当以“居住权”概括之,并可以将之定义为:居住权就是特定人因居住而使用他人房屋的权利。
- As the Real Rights Law has been promulgated,the dissensions in real estate will be more and more. 本文认为排污权具有作为权利的一般属性,是一种基于所有权或物权而衍生的权利。
- Elaborate the Suitable of the Subjective Good Faith in the Real Right Law 论主观诚信在物权法中的适用
- An Analysis of the Building Distinction Property System in the Real Right Law of People's Republic of China 建筑物区分所有权制度评析
- The Legislation Check on the First Chapter in the Real Right Law Draft (Third Evaluation Version ) 物权法草案(第三次审议稿)第一章之立法检讨
- On essential elements of Bona Fides acquisition--comment on the related rules in the three present drafts of the Real Right Law 论善意取得制度的构成要件--兼评现有三部物权法草案中相关规定
- However, the present reason of constituting right of dwelling don't provide a legal basis for real right law‘s. 因此,通常意义所说的居住权是民法意义上的物权的角度出发,而且是为了特定人的居住房屋的需要。
- The creation or alienation of the real right of a chattel shall be delivered in accordance with law. 动产物权的设立和转让,应当依照法律规定交付。
- the Real Right Law 物权法
- The enacting of Real Right Law has an importantly theoretical and realistic significance on the establishment and improvement of real right system in China. 摘要物权法的颁布对于我国物权制度的建立和完善具有重要的理论和现实意义。
- That's where the real danger lies. 这正是真正的危险所在。
- Article 6 The creation, alteration, alienation or termination of the real right of a realty shall be subject to registration in accordance with law. 第六条不动产物权的设立、变更、转让和消灭,应当依照法律规定登记。
- Abstract: Numerus clausus means that the category of the real right must be stipulated by law, and not be established freely by the concerned party. 文章摘要: 物权法定主义指物权的种类必须由法律规定,当事人不得任意创设。
- The author holds that the law of real right of our country may not adopt the theory of real right behavior,but can not put the existence of the real right behavior ignoring. 我国物权法可以不采纳物权行为的无因性理论,但不应置物权合意的存在、物权行为的独立性于不顾;
- What was the real reason for your absence? 你缺席的真正原因是什么?
- Article 23 Unless it is otherwise prescribed by any law, the creation or alienation of the real right of a chattel shall come into effect upon delivery. 第一百四十三条建设用地使用权人有权将建设用地使用权转让、互换、出资、赠与或者抵押,但法律另有规定的除外。
- In the middle of various countries' civil law system, the real right system holds the very important status, equalizes taxes by consummates, detailed... 在各国的民法制度当中,物权制度都占有非常重要的地位,均赋以完善、详...
- He can't apprehend the real nature of change. 他不能理解变革的真实性质。