- the Serbian Radical Party 塞尔维亚激进党
- ultra-nationalist Serbian Radical Party 由极端民族主义者组成的塞尔维亚激进党
- Serbian Radical Party 塞尔维亚激进党
- People's Radical Party: f.1881, reestablished 1990. 人民激进党:1881年成立,后停止活动,1990年重建。
- In 1989 he cofounded the Serbian Democratic Party in Bosnia-Hertzegovina. 1989年,卡拉季奇和其他人共同创建了波黑塞尔维亚民主党。
- Compared with the previous version, the Serbian is added. 与前一版本相比新增了塞尔维亚语。
- The Serbian was simply not good enough anymore to break Justine. 塞尔维亚人无法再轻易破发海宁。
- On August 17th last year, the Serbian Democratic Party decided that its members resign from the Serbian government by reason of anti-corruption. 去年8月17日,塞民主党以反腐败为由决定该党成员全部退出塞政府。
- President Milosevic of the Serbian Republic chaired this negotiation. 塞尔维亚共和国总统米洛舍维奇主持了这次谈判。
- And the same evening German motorized elements reached the Serbian frontiers. 同日晚间,德国的摩托化部队进抵塞尔维亚边境。
- The accident put an untimely end to the party. 意外事故使聚会匆匆结束了。
- They are now being branded as traitors in much of the Serbian press. 这些人如今在多数的塞尔维亚媒体上都被套上了叛徒的骂名。
- It was seriously distorted later, and became an ideological tool adopted by the radical party to attack the conservative party, thus shadowing the historical studies in late Northern-Song Dynasty. 在北宋后期的新旧党争中,这一学术思想被严重扭曲、变形,并与权力合谋,成为新党打击旧党的意识形态工具,从而为北宋后期的史学进程带来厄运。
- However, Democratic Party Chairman and Serbian Prime Minister Djindjic said that the verdict by Yugoslav Federation's Constitutional Court went against the legal rights of the Serbian ruling alliance. 民主党主席、塞尔维亚政府总理金吉奇则认为,南联盟宪法法院的裁决否定了塞尔维亚执政联盟的合法权利。
- The man turned from Radical to Conservative. 这人从激进派变成了保守派。
- Not long ago, the ruling alliance presidium decided to revoke Serbian Democratic Party's 21 seats in the Parliament, resulting in the Serbian Democratic Party to set up a "shadow cabinet". 不久前,执政党联盟主席团决定剥夺塞民主党在塞议会中的21个席位,从而导致塞民主党成立“影子内阁”。
- It is part of the Yugoslavian territory.The Yugoslavian government and the Serbian government have the responsibility and ability to handle the issue. 科索沃是南斯拉夫领土的一部分,南斯拉夫政府、塞尔维亚政府有责任,也一定能够妥善地处理这个问题。
- The hard core in the party make all the decisions. 这个党的核心成员决定一切。
- With the match locked at0-0, replays showed the Serbian's header was at least a foot over the line. 当时的比分还是0-0,而慢镜头显示塞尔维亚人的头球已经越过了门线至少1英尺。
- Sure, his dad is a lush, but he's always the life of the party. 没错,他父亲是个酒鬼,但他永远是宴会的灵魂人物。