- the Southeast Asian nations 东南亚国家
- With the support from Kuala Lumpur, Myanmar joined the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 1997. 缅甸在吉隆坡的支持下,于一九九七年加入东南亚国协。
- The Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN was established in 1967 in Bangkok. 东南亚国家联盟(东盟)是1967年在曼谷建立的。
- Cebu province, where the three-day summit of the Association of Southeast Asian nations begins Monday. 东盟为期三天的高峰会星期一将在那里开幕。
- Will the Southeast Asian financial crisis hold back the process? 问:中国领导人多次谈到人民币要实现可自由兑换,东南亚金融后机发生后,这一目标的进度有否放慢?Q: On many occasions; Chinese leaders have mentioned that China would achieve the free convertibility of the Renminbi.
- The custom of eating zongzi is now popular in North and South Korea, Japan and Southeast Asian nations. 吃粽子这一习俗在韩国、南北朝鲜、日本及其他东南亚国家也颇受欢迎。
- Japan present will be stockpiling the vaccine which will organize to Association of Southeast Asian Nations to provide. 日本目前正在储备将向东盟组织提供的疫苗。
- Counter-terrorism efforts become an important item of cooperation among Southeast Asian nations,and between ASEAN countries and the United States. 反恐怖主义活动成为东南亚国家间合作关系,和亚细安成员国及美国合作关系中的重要项目。
- China is playing an increasingly constructive role in Southeast Asiaby working with us and members of ASEAN, Association of Southeast Asian Nations. 通过与我们以及东盟成员国展开合作,中国在东南亚扮演的角色越来越有建设性。
- The Southeast Asian economies have grown rather accustomed to growth. 东南亚经济以往常的速度在增长。
- Counter-terrorism efforts become an important item of cooperation among Southeast Asian nations, and between ASEAN countries and the United States. 反恐怖主义活动也成为东南亚国家间合作关系,和亚细安成员国及美国合作关系中的重要项目。
- The official said the meeting will take place on the sidelines of the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Regional Forum. 这名官员说,这次会谈将在东南亚国家联盟举行地区会议的间歇时段来进行。
- Some officials in this Southeast Asian nation want to send them back to their homeland. 这个南亚国家的一些官员只希望把他们遣送回他们的家乡。
- Thai officials vow the Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit at the resort town of Pattaya will go ahead despite the protests”. 泰国政府官员誓言尽管有示威发生,但在胜地怕他呀举行的东盟峰会将如期举行。
- We are heartened that the normally super-cautious Association of Southeast Asian Nations expressed revulsion with the junta's crackdown. 我们鼓励一向过度小心的东南亚国家国协,表达对军事执政团镇压的反感。
- The Delegation of Thailand, speaking on behalf of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN, wished to thank members who had tabled proposals for discussion. 泰国代表团以东南亚国家联盟(东盟)的名义发言,希望对提出提案的国家表示感谢。
- A survey of the Southeast Asian Chinese Studies through the journal of the South Seas society and Asian culture. 看东南亚华人史的研究。
- Mark: Could you reduce your wholesale price? The Southeast Asian financial crisis decreased my purchasing power. 你可不可以降低批发价?你知道东南亚经济危机给我们带来了很大压力。
- Guangdong province can settle in yuan with Hong Kong and Macau, while Guangxi and Yunnan provinces can settle in yuan with members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. 广东省可以与香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区以“元”结算,同时广西省和云南省可以与东南亚国家联盟的成员国以“元”结算。
- The Hong Kong Dollar stood its ground robustly during the Southeast Asian currency crisis of the summer. 在夏季发生的东南亚货币危机中,港元稳如磐石,这是因为我们有八百五十亿美元的外汇储备支持港元。