- American national flag is the Stars and Stripes. 美国的国旗是星条旗。
- She would lead the band in "The Stars and Stripes Forever". 她将指挥乐队演奏“星条旗万岁”。
- What is the symbolism of the stars and stripes on the American flag? 美国国旗的星和条的象征意义是什么?
- McCandless:They've got the flag up now and you can see the stars and stripes. 他们现在已经把旗帜竖起来了,你可以看到星条旗了。
- The ensign of the United States is Stars and Stripes. 美国国旗是星条旗。
- And we will all be proud to see the stars and stripes rise when our fellow Americans win medals. 当我们的运动员获奖时,我们都会充满自豪地看着星条旗冉冉升起。
- The Stars and Stripes hang under the ceiling constellations in recently refurbished Grand Central Terminal. 意译:纽约市地标图片。美国国旗悬挂在星座天花板近来刷新的中央车站。
- U.S.flag bearer and discus champion Martin Sheridan responded by refusing to dip the Stars and Stripes when he passed King Edward VII's box in the parade of athletes. 在运动员入场式中,美国队旗手、铁饼冠军马丁·谢里登在经过爱德华七世的包厢时拒绝将星条旗倾斜行点旗礼,以此作为回应。
- On its walls are lurid murals depicting the Statue of Liberty with a ghastly skull for a face and guns decorated with the stars and stripes. 使馆的屋墙上画着可怕的壁画:自由女神像的头是一个可怕的骷髅,她手中端着星条点缀的枪。
- For over twenty years he had worked for an American firm, the Stars and Stripes Company, rising from a clerk to become a comprador, and he had amassed a sizable fortune. 他在美国人花旗洋行里做了二十多年的事,从“写字”(小书记)升到买办,手里着实有钱。
- In this lesson, the children will learn the colors of the American flag and what the Stars and Stripes represent.They will then make their own American Flag Bandana to take home. 在这节课里,孩子们将学习美国国旗的颜色以及星条所代表的含义,他们将亲自用大手帕制作星条旗并带回家。
- The sun, the stars and the moon are celestial bodies. 太阳,星星和月亮都是天体。
- Visor reflects his long black shadow, the solar wind collector, the Stars and Stripes planted by the moonwalkers, the white figure of Armstrong (who took this picture), and the buglike lunar module. 他的面罩上映射出他那长长的黑影、太阳风收集器、月面漫步者插上的星条旗、穿着白色宇航服的阿姆斯特朗(就是他拍了这张照片)和像虫子一样狭促的登月舱。
- The American flag has stars and stripes. 美国国旗是星条旗。
- Men from the 3rd Battalion draped the body with the Stars and Stripes and hoisted it on top of a huge pile of stones that had once been a wall in the Saint Croix church, a block from the cemetery. 第3营士兵用星条旗覆盖尸身,抬放在一大堆碎石顶上,那堆石头曾经是圣十字教堂的一堵墙,该教堂为墓地建筑组成部分。
- Conservatives say that burning or desecrating the stars and stripes is irreverent and should be punished, especially when American soldiers are fighting in the Middle East for the country's interests. 也许正是被这一思想主导,1989年美国最高法院颁布法令,将焚烧国旗的行为置于美国人的言论自由权利的保护下。
- Sidereal: of the stars and their measurements. 星的,恒星的,以恒星为衡量标准的。
- I'd show them the stars and the meaning of life. 我会带他们看星星和生命的意义。
- How many stars and stripes the United States flag have? 问:美国国旗有多少颗星及多少横条?
- Betwixt the stars and the unaccomplished fate. 那照临的星辰和未完功的命运间。