- Taklimakan Desert covers the wide centeral area of the Tarim Basin. 塔克拉玛干沙漠覆盖了塔里木盆地广大的中央地区。
- "Duolangwu"is popular in the Markit and Bachu areas on the edge of the Tarim Basin, where the Uygur call themselves "Duolang". “多朗舞”,流传于塔里木盆地大沙漠边缘的麦盖提、巴楚等地。“多朗”一词,是该地区维吾尔族人的自称。
- After the entire project is completed in 2005, gas will be transported from the Tarim Basin. 2005年全线贯通,开始送塔里木气。
- The Nd model ages show that there exist an Archaean basement in the central uprift of the Tarim Basin(3.2-2.5Ga). Nd模式年龄还表明柯坪-阿克苏地区存在太古宙基底(3.;2-2
- There are favorable condition for formation of non-anticlinal oil &gas pools in the Tarim Basin. 塔里木盆地具备发育非背斜圈闭油气藏的条件。
- The Donghe sandstone of the Tarim Basin is a known oil reservoir with widespread but irregular lateral distribution. 东河砂岩是塔里木盆地已知的储集层,横向展布不均匀,由于地震分辨率的限制,很难准确描述东河砂岩的空间展布。
- The east-west chain of the Tian Shan Mountains separate Dzungaria in the north from the Tarim Basin in the south. 东西走向的天山山脉将准噶尔盆地和塔里木盆地分隔开来。
- Altun Tagh fault, The Hetian area on the southern margin of the Tarim Basin rotated clockwise by about20° before the Neogene. 但塔里木盆地南缘和田地区发生了20°左右的顺时针转动。
- "Duolangwu" is popular in the Markit and Bachu areas on the edge of the Tarim Basin, where the Uygur call themselves "Duolang". “多朗舞”,流传于塔里木盆地大沙漠边缘的麦盖提、巴楚等地。“多朗”一词,是该地区维吾尔族人的自称。
- This essay mainly discusses the dissemination of Islam in Khotan located on the fringe of the Tarim Basin beyond the boundary of the Karakhan Dynasty. 本文探讨了11世纪初伊斯兰教在喀喇汗王朝境外的塔里木盆地周边于阗的传播情况。
- The Kepingtage Formation of Lower Silurian in the Central Tarim and peri-clinal area is one of the impor-tant target layers in the Tarim basin. 塔里木盆地塔中及其围斜区下志留统柯坪塔格组是重要的勘探目的层之一,长期以来,中石油及中石化将其划为下志留统塔塔埃尔塔格组。
- The result shows that the Tarim basin and the Junggar beam underthrust to the Tianshan orogenic belt in opposite directions. 结果发现,塔里木盆地与准噶示盆地向天山造山带对冲。
- Abstract: Objective To grasp the community composition, structure and classification of ectoparasites on rodents in the Tarim Basin. 文章摘要: 目的 掌握塔里木盆地啮齿动物体外寄生虫群落组成、结构和分类。
- The southeastern depression is a main part of the Tarim Basin, and it is also a depression where less exploration has been conducted. 塔东南坳陷是塔里木盆地的重要组成部分,也是塔里木盆地勘探程度最低的一个坳陷。
- The Kalpin thrust belt, located at the NW margin of the Tarim basin, is a part of the southern South Tianshan marginal thrust system. 摘要柯坪冲断带位于塔里木盆地的西北缘,是南天山南缘冲断系统的一部分。
- Systematic analysis of each element shows that the water body was of normal seawater in the Silurian period in the Tarim Basin. 摘要通过对各元素的系统分析,塔里木盆地志留系水体基本属于正常海水。
- It is proved by exploration that the petroleum accumulation is controlled by paleouplift and paleoslope in the Tarim basin. 摘要塔里木盆地古隆起和古斜坡控制油气富集已为勘探实践所证实。
- It is expected that they will be nowdomains in the Tarim Basin where future oil/gas survey and exploration,moreover the realisation of ... 当它们有良好的储集与封盖条件,可望成为塔里木盆地今后油气勘查并实现突破的新领域。
- The development of alluvial depositional system indicates that the reservoirs of the Cretaceous may he extensively distributed in the Tarim Basin. 冲积沈积体系的普遍发育预示了白垩系储集岩在盆地内的分布可能是十分广泛的。