- The Tibetan Buddhism is Great Vehicle (Mahayana) Buddhism. 西藏佛教是伟大的媒介物(大乘佛教)。
- From the 11th to 15th century, Tibetan Buddhism spread and formed sects in the Tibetan areas. 公元11-15世纪,藏传佛教的各教派逐渐形成
- The Tibetan Buddhism, quite different from the imaginary Buddhism we all tend to believe, was not free of blood quenching tortures. 而藏传佛教,也并非如你所希望去相信的那么美好纯净,相反,它们是血淋淋的。
- The Tibetan Buddhism requests the study of the Exoteric Buddhism as the foundation and puts the Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism as the most advanced form of Buddhism. 西藏佛教要求休习显教作为基础而使得西藏密宗看作为佛教的最高级形态。
- They have also launched nearly 30 journals in the Tibetan,Chinese or English languages,including Tibet Research,Tibetan Buddhism,Tibetan Social Development Study,Tibetan Art Study,Snowy Land Culture,China's Tibetan Studies,and China's Tibet. 创办了《西藏研究》、《西藏佛教》、《西藏社会发展研究》、《西藏艺术研究》、《雪域文化》、《中国藏学》、《中国西藏》等近30种藏、汉、英文刊物。
- They have also launched nearly 30 journals in the Tibetan, Chinese or English languages, including Tibet Research, Tibetan Buddhism, Tibetan Social Development Study, Tibetan Art Study, Snowy Land Culture, China's Tibetan Studies, and China's Tibet. 创办了《西藏研究》、《西藏佛教》、《西藏社会发展研究》、《西藏艺术研究》、《雪域文化》、《中国藏学》、《中国西藏》等近30种藏、汉、英文刊物。
- As this occurs, more access is given by Tibetan monks to Chinese and other visitors to Tibetan Buddhism and the Tibetan culture, and I believe this will have a positive effect, not a negative one. 就像这些现象,越来越多的渠道为西藏僧人到内地和参观西藏寺庙和西藏文化的旅客开通,而且我相信这会是个积极的努力,而不能被否定。
- Tibet is one of China's ethnic autonomous regions,and the Tibetans mostly believe in Tibetan Buddhism. 西藏是中国的一个民族区域自治地方,藏族多数群众信奉藏语系佛教。
- The Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism, which is different from all other Esoteric Buddhisms, makes the Tibetan Buddhism unique. 密宗是与所有其它的密宗不同,使得西藏佛教独特。
- In the case of certain ethnic groups religions are followed on a mass scale,for instance the Tibetans have Tibetan Buddhism as their traditional religion. 中国少数民族群众大多有宗教信仰,有的民族群众性地信仰某种宗教,如藏族群众信仰藏传佛教。
- The Secularized Tendency of the Tibetan Buddhism 藏传佛教世俗化倾向刍议
- Most people belonging to ethnic minorities in China hold religious beliefs. In the case of certain ethnic groups religions are followed on a mass scale,for instance the Tibetans have Tibetan Buddhism as their traditional religion. 中国少数民族群众大多有宗教信仰,有的民族群众性地信仰某种宗教,如藏族群众信仰藏传佛教。
- The examination system of debating Buddhist scriptures in the Tibetan Buddhist temple schooling is a unique method for teaching and testing. 辩经考试制度是藏传佛教寺院教育中一种独特的教学与考核形式。
- The wall in the West
, the center of the painting is the Tibetan Buddhist Lamaism is the founder of Health Lien-hua. 在西壁上的<莲花生祖师图>,正中画的是藏传佛教即喇嘛教的祖师莲华生。 - According to historical statistics, Ngari period have built hundreds of temples, works hard to draw a number of murals, the Tibetan Buddhist art have been new developments. 据史料统计,阿里地区这段时期兴建的寺庙有数百座,绘制的壁画作品难以数计,藏传佛教艺术得到了新的发展。
- Tibetan Buddhism stands high in Tibetan culture. 藏传佛教在藏文化中占有崇训的地位。
- They believe in Tibetan Buddhism or polytheism. 人们信仰藏传佛教(喇嘛教)或崇奉多神。
- The Tibetan tensions have also hit close to home. 紧张的气氛已经到了家门口。
- Then they destroyed the Tibetan monasteries. 接着又摧毁了西藏的寺院。
- Lhasa is a sacred place of TiBetan Buddhism. 拉萨是西藏佛教的圣地。