- The company remains under government conservatorship and has received billions in loans from the US treasury department to help keep it afloat. 公司现在处于政府的接管中,并且已经收到了来自美国财政部用以帮助支撑运营的几十亿的贷款。
- the US Treasury Department 美国财政部
- The US Treasury releases the figures on this - here they are in a more useable form. 美国财政部对此公布了数据,下面有更便于使用的表格形式。
- The US Treasury has already fired an opening salvo in what is likely to be an intense and drawn-out debate. 美国财政部已经打响了可能引发长期激烈争论的第一枪。
- It cannot be to preserve GM jobs, because the US Treasury has signalled GM must slim to get the cash. 它不可能是保护该公司的就业,因为美国财政部已表明,通用汽车必须瘦身,才能得到资金。
- Lehman is entering bankruptcy because the US Treasury refused to subsidise a rescue. 雷曼进入破产程序,是因为美国财政部拒绝补贴纾困行动。
- After the reworking of Andrew Jackson,the seventh President two years ago on the $20 note,the US Treasury has been at it again. 两年前,美国财政部对20元美钞上的第七任总统安德鲁·杰克逊的肖像进行了加工处理,继此之后,现在又进行了这项工作。
- US Treasury SecretaryJohn Snow is in Beijing for talks and is expected to raise the Chinese currency's peg to the US dollar. 美国财政部长目前在北京进行会谈,希望中国能提高人民币跟美国的汇率,升值人民币。
- The US dollar assets backing the Monetary Base are managed in the most liquid form, in US dollar call deposits and US Treasury securities. 支持货币基础的美元资产是流动性最高的资产,即美元通知存款及美国国库券。
- After the reworking of Andrew Jackson, the seventh President two years ago on the $20 note, the US Treasury has been at it again. 两年前,美国财政部对20元美钞上的第七任总统安德鲁·杰克逊的肖像进行了加工处理,继此之后,现在又进行了这项工作。
- The US Treasury will not release May TIC data until mid-July, but there are indications that suggest that is precisely what is happening here. 5月号TIC报告要7月中旬才能发布,但一些动向已经能够清楚地表明当前的情况。
- It will involve a complex process of auctions, run by private asset management companies and overseen by the US Treasury. 救世计划包括一系列复杂的竞拍活动,由私人资产管理公司举办,美国财政部负责监督。
- Indeed, our interest rate strategy team expects the US Treasury curve from 2-year to 10-year notes to steepen to 300bp over the next few months. 未来几个月之中,预计2年期至10年期的美国国债收益率将升至3%25。
- The NYT reports that the US Treasury will be auctioning more bonds than ever to finance the $700 billion bailout of the banks. 纽约时报报道,美国财政部将拍卖甚至比7,000亿紧急援助银行的美元都多的债券。
- Liddy said he feared the best-qualified staff would leave if they faced "continued and arbitrary adjustment" of their pay by the US treasury. 他还提到,假若财政部继续对该公司员工的薪资架构作出随意武断的调整,恐怕那些最优秀的员工将会相继辞职。
- These so-called “repo fails” prompted the US Treasury yesterday to re-open various Treasury issues and sell more debt yesterday. 这种所谓的“回购失败”促使美国财政部昨日重启各种国库券的发行,并扩大昨日的债券发行规模。
- The US Treasury welcomed the moves but said it would continue to press for greater appreciation of the Yuan. There were no significant reactions in global financial markets. 美国财政部对此次升息表示赞同,但是同时表示迫切需要人民币的进一步升值,目前对全球市场没有产生太大影响。
- Some say the rise reflects a stronger economy but other say bond buyers including some central banks are reluctant to purchase the US Treasury debt flooding the market. 有人表示收益率上升反映经济趋强,但是其他人表示包括各国央行在内的债券购买者不愿意购买充斥市场的美国国债。
- US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said the US was "working through a difficult period in our financial markets right now as we work off some of the past excesses". 美国财政大臣亨利.鲍尔森这样说道美国"金融市场目前正在经历一个艰难时期,我们要清除一些过去的不良资产"。
- It has tightened visas for North Koreans and helped scrutinise bank accounts when the US treasury sought to clamp down on North Korea's international banking. 中国加紧了朝鲜签证的审核,并开始协查银行账号,配合美国财政部取缔朝鲜国际账户的行动。