- Behind the Urban and architecture Utopias lies the Utopian spirit. 城市和建筑乌托邦将建筑和城市作为一种社会改造的实验场。
- A human trait is the possession of idealistic Utopian spirit. 理想主义乌托邦精神是人的特质之一。
- the Utopian spirit 乌托邦精神
- Early communes were founded under the utopian socialists. 早期的公社是在乌托邦社会主义者的影响下建立的。
- As a kind of idea that can not be fulfilled now and here, education's utopian spirit have the danger leading to alienation. 教育的乌托邦精神作为一种在此时此地不具有完全实现可能性的价值理想,也存在着走向异化的危险。
- The practical and pragmatic gainsay the Utopian and transcendental. 实际的和实用的,否定了空想的和先验的东西。
- In the third part, my thesis reiterated the Utopian influence in his works. 第三部分对高尔基的乌托邦思想做出进一步认定。
- The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 心有余而力不足。
- The second part focuses on the Utopian movement, the materialization of Utopia. 本文第二部分集中探讨乌托邦运动即乌托邦的现实化。
- By a rejection a priori of such hypotheses, the utopian approach violates the principles of scientific method. 乌托邦的方法先验地拒绝这些假说,违背了科学方法的原则。
- Each themed vitrine of The Utopian Future of Art, Our Reality should be purchased as a whole, not in individual items. “艺术乌托邦的未来,我们的现实”以每个主题为单元整体销售,不出售组成单元的单件物品。
- The priest says that the human spirit never dies. 牧师说,人的灵魂永远不死。
- E.Bloch, The Utopian Function of Art and Literature (The MIT Press,Cambridge,Massachusetts,1988). 这本书选编了布洛赫不同时期的文论。
- Marx's social existence theory, which is based on the objective action, lay a cornerstone for the total subersion and the Utopian socialism. 以“感性的活动”或“实践”原则为基础的社会存在论,为马克思彻底颠覆法的形而上学基础提供了根据,并由此划清了与近代法哲学之间、各种空想社会主义之间的原则界限。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- In their spare time, every family would sing and dance together, or play musical instruments.Lijiang was like the utopian city of Xanadu. 生活在这里的人们在闲暇时,家家歌舞,户户丝竹,这里仿佛是“世外桃源”。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- How do you understand the utopian strain in Khrushchev's policy? What were some aspects of it, and how might you explain them? 你如何了解赫鲁雪夫的政策中乌托邦式(虚幻的)的沉重负担吗?有哪几个方面且你可能会如何解释?
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。