- It is the hometown of Yandi, an ancestor of the Chinese nation, and the birthplace of the culture of the Zhou and Qin dynasties. 耀县水泥厂是全国最大的水泥生产企业之一,历史悠久的耀州陶瓷名扬海内外。
- From the Zhou and Qin Dynasties onwards, Chinese society was feudal, as were its politics and economy. 自周秦以来,中国是一个封建社会,其政治是封建的政治,其经济是封建的经济。
- The Zhou Dynasty existed over eight centuries. 周朝存在了8个多世纪。
- Confucianism and Taoism run through the entire history of the Chinese traditional Qin culture. 中国传统琴道文化作为中国传统文化的一个典范,其内涵博大精深。
- D),baoji was the firstplace inhabited by people in china it’s the birthplace of china’s earliest ancestor Yandi .and of the development of the Zhou and Qin civilizations. 宝鸡是中华民族最早繁衍生息的地方,是华夏始祖炎帝的故乡,周秦王朝的发祥地。
- Confucius comprehensively inherited the "six classical arts" in the Zhou dynasty, becoming a master of ancient culture. 孔子全面继承了周代的“六艺”教育,成为上古文化的集大成者,其思想和教育实践影响远巨。
- Please take me to the Zhou Enlai and Deny Yingchao Memorial Hall. 请载我去周邓纪念馆。
- The study about the mausoloeum of the First Qin Emperor and the Terra-Cotta Warrior have provided many information and material for the study of the Qin culture being on the rise in the cutural study. 秦俑秦陵研究,从微观的名物考释到宏观的史学探索,出版了很多专著和论文,丰富了秦文化研究,使秦文化成为文化学研究中的热门学科,并形成了独具魅力的“秦俑学”。
- The Zhou dynasty lasted longer than any other, from 1027 to 221 B.C. 周朝比此前其他朝代的存续时间长,从公元前1027年一直到公元前221年。
- Police soon discovered traces of the Zhou and captured 12 of their evening. 很快警方就发现了周某的踪迹,并于12日晚将其抓获。
- Also lets the human who likes the Zhou Jielun music classify own constellation. 也让喜爱周杰伦音乐的人重新归类自己的星座。
- Naturalization of a new culture is always faster among the young. 对新文化的采纳在年轻人中总是快一些。
- The genesis of the Zongpu is traceable to the Zhou dynasty (1050-221 BC). 宗谱的诞生可以追溯到周朝(公元前1050-221)。
- Have the Yangshao culture since 7000, since the 5000 Majiayao culture, dating back 4000 years of culture and the Zhou Dynasty Qijia Wudu of the White Horse Temple氐zu culture depression. 有距今7000年的仰韶文化、距今5000年的马家窑文化、距今4000多年的齐家文化及商周时代武都白马氐族的寺洼文化等。
- He was one of the apostles of the new culture. 他曾是新文化的倡导者之一。
- Meanwhile the seigneur recruited the Shang people into Zhou clan by swearing fealty to them, and expanded the regime base of the Zhou Dynasty. 同时,诸侯也通过盟誓方式将异姓贵族纳入了周人宗法秋序,从而扩大了西周政权的统治基础。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- In the late Warring States, Qin unification period, after centuries of war, Chinese society changes from the Chou dynasty's enfeoffment system to prefecture and country system. 在战国末期,秦朝大一统时期,中国社会经过几百年的战乱,终于从周代的分封制走向郡县制的政治统一。