- The Shaman dance of the northern ethnic groups, the Bon religious dance of Tibetans, the Nuo dance and Tiaoshen dance of the Han people, and the Shigong dance of the Zhuang ethnic minority, etc,all develop from sorcery dances. 如北方各族的萨满舞蹈,藏族的本教舞蹈,汉族的傩舞、跳神,壮族的师公舞,都由巫舞发展而来。
- Simplicity and Immaturity: Studying the Zhuang Ethnic Minority Culture- Ecological- Aesthetic Vogue in Remote - Antiquity Aesthetic Trace 朴而拙:从远古时代的审美印记看壮族文化生态美的风尚
- the Zhuang ethnic minority 壮族
- Ancestors of the Zhuang ethnic group had a frogas a totem. 壮族的先民曾以青蛙作为图腾。
- She comes from the Zhuang ethnic group in the southern part of Xinjiang. 她是来自南疆的壮族女孩。
- Flower Lady Day, on February 19 of the lunar year, is the festival of the Zhuang ethnic group. 壮族花王节阴历二月十九是壮族的花王节。
- The Stalactites Cave and the Zhuang Ethnic traditions were very enjoyable, and a herbal meal was the perfect ending to our journey. 伊岭岩的溶洞景观和当地的壮乡风情让人陶醉,再用一餐药膳盛宴,作为此行最完美的句号。
- Wong, some people into the Zhuang, Yao, Dong, Shui, Buyi, eggs and other ethnic minorities. 黄氏有一些人融入壮、瑶、侗、水、布依、蛋等少数民族。
- Though the Hei Yi Zhuang (the black-clothing Zhuang ethnic group) as a branch of the Zhuang nationality live in remote areas, they are affected by globalization. 黑衣壮族群作为壮族的一支,地处偏远,但依然受到了全球化的影响。
- The placenames of the Zhuang ethnic group are often named with the rhetoric reproaches such as metaphor、borrow、personifications、hyperbole, which make them vivid and imaginative. 壮族地名的命名,经常运用比喻、借代、拟人、夸张等修辞格,使之带上鲜明的生动性和形象性。
- Is the only ethnic minority township in Huizhou. 是惠州市惟一的少数民族乡。
- His girl friend is of the Benglong ethnic minority. 他女朋友是崩龙族人。
- Dress of the Zhuang Ethnic Group 壮族服饰
- culture of the Zhuang ethnic group 壮族文化
- The frequencie of the radiation groups in Zhuangs,together with the phylogenetic relationship of the Zhuang ethnic group in the suggest that the Zhuang is a typical south population. 壮族人群中单倍型辐射群体分布频率、系统树中壮族人群与其他人群聚类先后次序都表明壮族是一个较为典型的南方群体。
- ancestors of the Zhuang ethnic group had a frog as a totem. 壮族的先民曾以青蛙作为图腾,
- Which ethnic minority do you belong to? 是哪个少数民族啊?
- Wang Liping Composer, of Manchu ethnic minority. 王立平作曲家(满族)。
- This actor is Bouyei ethnic minority. 这名演员是位布依族人。
- My math teacher is of Blang ethnic minority. 我的数学老师是布朗族人。