- He has the ability to speak two foreign languages . 他有说两种外语的能力。
- He has the ability to speak English fluently. 他能流利地说英语。
- Mr. Wang has the ability to speak multidialectal Chinese. 王先生能说多种的中文方言。
- The surgery may also affect the ability to speak, chew or swallow. 手术也会影响影响言语、咀嚼或吞咽的功能。
- She has the ability to keep calm in an emergency. 她有处变不惊的本事。
- They can take pride in everything except the ability to speak Mandarin. 新加坡可自豪的事还不少,拜托大家,别拿这样的事来引以为荣。
- My own criterion of success is the ability to work joyfully. 我自己成功的标准是能够快乐地工作。
- The ability to speak several foreign languages was among her attainments. 讲几种外语是她的本领之一。
- The ability to feel or perceive. 敏感性感觉或感知的能力
- No matter what your profession, the ability to speak up and present well is a career-advancement skill. 不论你是从事哪一个行业,能够众人面前声音洪亮并且清楚的发表演讲,是你事业起步的最佳技能。
- My former colleagues told me three secrets of success in foreign-affiliated companies. First, the ability to speak English well. 我以前的同事告诉我,要在外商公司成功有三个秘诀。第一,良好的英文能力。
- I believe I have the ability to organize a party. 我相信我有能力组织一次社交聚会。
- Humanity has not really lost the ability to speak to the spirit realms, but rather "tunes it out" in their focus upon the mundane. 人类事实上没有丢失掉对灵界倾诉的能力,却是在世俗上的聚焦中“关掉”了它。
- Crystal Mask of Language: Each of the various crystal masks of languagegrants the wearer the ability to speak and write a specific language. 水晶语言面具:每种不同的“水晶语言面具”给予佩戴者说和写特定语言的能力。
- The ability to take part in a chemical reaction. 活性,活度参加化学反应的性能
- The ability to receive, hold, or absorb. 接受力,吸收力接收、容纳或吸收的能力
- For instance, one mask might grant the ability to speak Draconic, whileanother might allow the wearer to speak the human language of thenorthern ice barbarians. 例如某只面具可能给予说龙语的能力而另一只可能使佩戴者会说北地冰蛮的人类语言。
- He has the ability to size up a situation. 他会估计形势。
- One of the most important requirements for the job is the ability to speak English. Do you think you can use English to explain things to foreign tourists? 英语会话能力是这项工作最重要的需求之一。你认为你能用英语向外国观光客解释和说明吗?
- He has the ability to do his job well. 他有力干好他的工作。