- It was difficult to discern that despite all the abstruse vocabulary the professor was really a charlatan. 很难辨明那个教授虽然有很多深奥的词汇,实际上却是一个冒充内行的人
- People always try to understand the abstruse philosophical terms with the help of commonly-used words and expressions. 人们总是基于通俗的日常语言来理解深奥的哲学语言。
- He likes to use oral expressions and living languages to discuss the abstruse calligraphy theories. 其语言往往采用口语式的表达,用贴近生活的语言论述深奥的书法原理。
- Accordingly, we can grasp Kawabata's unique artistic thought better, and provide a new method to understand the abstruse implication in his works. 从而更好地把握川端艺术思维的独特性,并为进一步解读川端作品的深度意蕴提供一条新的途径。
- However, more able to read other people's anxiety, can look at the people around Guanghua under the abstruse, it is probably not a bad thing. 只是,能够多念着别人心中的不安,可以多留意一下周遭的人光华之下的艰涩,大概也不是件坏事。
- Have the abstruse unreal interesting novel? Be going to resemble Records of Spirits and put an immortal to death like that! ! ! ! ! 您的位置:我也知道>文化/艺术>文学>有不有好看的玄幻小说?要像搜神记和诛仙那样的!!!!!
- The sun in this location will bring friendship and fun group activities, the abstruse things, science, invention, and so on are also very interested. 太阳在此位置会带来友谊及团体活动的乐趣,对于玄妙事物、科学现象、发明等也很有兴趣。
- The abstruse eyes, the white snow, the weather-beaten tower and the blue sky depict an extraordinary picture of Nottingham in winter. 16诺丁汉大学是一个美丽和谐的大学,漫步于校园,我们能经常看见水中捕鱼的天鹅。
- On the one shelf at the library he found Karl Marx, Ricardo, Adam Smith, and Mill, and the abstruse formulas of the one gave no clew that the ideas of another were obsolete. 在图书馆的一个书架上他发现了卡尔·马克思、李嘉图、亚当·斯密和米尔,这一家的深奥公式无法证明另一家的思想已经过时。
- Since The Abstruse Writing of the Red Cliff has been found during the regime of Hongzhi in the Ming Dynasty, many scholars have come to carve and research. 摘要“红岩天书”自明代弘治年间发现以来,历代文人学士前往摹拓、考证大有人在,对它的解读也是众说纷纭,成为一段至今未了的学术公案。
- The greatest mathematicians in the land, the most renowned chemists, could never do in a year's time the abstruse problems which your subconscious mind solves every minute. 你的潜意识在一分钟内解决的问题,就算拿给世上最伟大、最出名的的数学家和化学家,给他们一年的时间也解决不了。)
- In his public appearances before English-speaking audiences, he prefers to speak of “global ethics” rather than of the abstruse Buddhist concept of Nirvana. 当达赖出现在西方听众面前时,他更喜欢讨论“世界性的道德规范”而不是深奥的佛教涅磐理论。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- The purpose of this article is to research deeply on the interior and exterior relationship of Gibran"s literary work and painting, at the same time understand the abstruse implication in his works. 旨在对纪伯伦文学与绘画之间的内外关联进行全面而深入的探究的同时,进一步解读纪伯伦艺术的深度意蕴。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- Year after year, in the impoverished years of the history of heavy work, in the abstruse contemplation of the fools in the pure inspiration, in the melancholy solitude of the endless reverie Fangfei. 年复一年,在清苦的岁月里耕耘着历史的厚重,在艰涩的沉思中启迪着懵懂的纯真,在寂寥的惆怅中芳菲着无尽的遐想。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- The collapse column is production of sink terrene of the abstruse ash dissolve rock inanition, the form of the dissolve rock falling pole first rest with collapse column’ grade of the development. 岩溶陷落柱是奥灰岩溶空洞上覆岩层塌陷的产物,岩溶陷落柱的形成首先取决于岩溶发育程度。