- the action in Roman law 罗马法诉权
- All the action in the play take place at one railroad station. 该剧的整个情节均发生在一座火车站里。
- In Roman law two levels of diligence were recognized. 在罗马法中,有两种等级的谨慎。
- The action in GFT is built on this kinds of fields. 但既然是简介,就不会太详细了。
- All the action in the play takes place at one railroad station. 该剧的整个情节均发生在一座火车站里。
- Confarreation was in Roman law the oldest and most solemn form of marriage. 共食婚是罗马法中最古老,最庄重的结婚仪式。
- All the action in the play took place at one railroad station. 该剧的整个情节均发生在一座火车站里。
- This name is used to intercept the action in the portlet subclass. 这个名称用来截取portlet子集中的动作。
- This article concludes that the common law writs are different from the interdictum in Roman law. 文章认为普通法上的令状不同于罗马法上的令状。
- Roman law in Roman republic time results from the promotion of politics and economy, and later Roman law is based on Roman law in republic time. 共和国时代罗马法的发展是社会政治、经济推动的结果,后来的罗马法是在共和国法律发展基础上逐步完善的。
- On the other hand, the experience of chattel mortgage in Roman law can also manifest the irrationality of registration antagonism. 从动产抵押在罗马法的兴衰亦可见登记对抗主义的不合理性。
- Countercharge system, a very useful system in practice, can be traced back to offset plea in Roman law about 1,300 years ago. 反诉制度,是一项实务性很强的制度。它肇始于一千三百多年前的古罗马时期,由罗马法中的抵消抗辩发展而来。
- Artillery and aircraft were involved in the action. 在这次战斗中,使用了大炮和飞机。
- The system of right of subrogation originated from the system of deduced property in Roman law, and French Civil Code firstly established it in 1804 by legislation. 代位权制度起源于罗马法中的“推产制度”, 1804年《法国民法典》首次在立法上确立了该制度。
- The action took place in a seaside village. 这个故事发生在海边的一个渔村里。
- Bona Fide Acquisition system is based on the"hand wahre hand" regulation in Germany law and the provision on the Bona Fide requirement of limitation system in Roman law. 通说认为,善意取得制度是近代以来以日耳曼法的“以手护手”这一制度设计为基础,又吸收了罗马法上取得时效制度中的善意要件,从而得以产生发展起来的。
- Was his action in conformity with the law? 他的行为是否合法?
- The words in the definition are roman/are set in roman type. 本定义中的英文字使用的是罗马字体。
- Follow the teacher, say and perform the actions in chorus by music. 用一段早操直入今天的本课的主题:运动与游戏,活跃了课堂气氛。
- The conflict rules are generally mandatory in Roman law countries where the courts have the duty to apply to the leges according to the conflict rules of the leges fori. 这些国家的法院总是适用法院地法,除非当事人一方要求适用外国法作为准据法。