- The blooming life of the administrative contracts determines its existence in the extensive administrative region. 行政合同旺盛的生命力决定了其必然存在于广泛的行政管理领域。
- The economic region of the Pan-Bohai Sea is a concept of the Historical Economy Geography, it is different from the administrative region of the Pan-Bohai Sea. 摘要“环渤海经济区”并不是一个边界固定的经济区域,其形状、范围和经济关联度,都随着沿海港口城市经济辐射力的强弱而不断地发生变化。
- The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be vested with executive power. It shall,on its own,conduct the administrative affairs of the Region in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Law. 香港特别行政区享有行政管理权,依照本法的有关规定自行处理香港特别行政区的行政事务。
- Theses Measures shall apply to the activities of supervision over and examination of the costs of government-fixed prices (hereinafter referred to as cost supervision and examination) within the administrative region of this Province. 凡在本省行政区域内从事政府制定价格成本监审(以下简称成本监审)活动的,适用本办法。
- Article 16 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be vested with executive power. It shall, on its own, conduct the administrative affairs of the Region in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Law. 第十六条 香港特别行政区享有行政管理权,依照本法的有关规定自行处理香港特别行政区的行政事务。
- Traditionally, subarea load forecasting divides the area by the administrative region directly, without considering that the features of load increasing has great difference even in the same region. 摘要分区负荷预测通常直接按行政区域划分预测区域,没有考虑同一行政区内可能存在电力负荷增长规律有较大差异的情况。
- Article 2 This Provision applies to the payment, levy and check of the highway maintenance tax ( hereinafter referred to as "HMT") within the administrative region of this Province. 第二条本规定适用于本省行政区域内公路养路费(以下简称养路费)的缴纳、征收、稽查。
- Generally speaking, as long as geographical indications in the registration of the administrative regions within the scope of universal influence. 一般地说,只要地理标志在注册登记地的行政区域范围内具有普遍的影响力。
- market at the center of the administrative region 政区治所市场
- We must diminish the administrative expenditure. 我们必须缩减行政开支。
- Economiy of the administrative region 行政区经济
- The administrative departments of education under the people's governments at or above the county level shall be in charge of the educational work in their respective administrative regions. 县级以上地方各级人民政府教育行政部门主管本行政区域内的教育工作。
- Is for Special Administrative Region. 指特别行政区吧,包括香港,澳门。
- The administrative personnel of such a structure. 这种组织的管理人员
- Assist daily the Administrative Manager. 协助行政经理的日常工作。
- In 1987 the administrative regionalization adjustment, the Huizhou area (Tunxi) changed the city level Huangshan Mountain city, the county level Huangshan Mountain city changed the Huangshan district, the area of jurisdiction scope is invariable. 1987年行政区划调整,徽州地区(屯溪市)改地级黄山市,县级黄山市改为黄山区,辖区范围不变。
- He says he will take step to tighten up the administration. 他说他将采取措施加强行政管理。
- The RABCA shall take charge of the licensing and supervision of the alliance, reorganization or restructure of civil aviation enterprises within the administrative regions thereof. 民航地区管理局负责所辖区域内民航企业联合重组改制的许可、监管。
- The Special Administrative Region will pass its own legislation. 特别行政区将制定自己的法律。
- He had made a mare's nest of the administration. 他把行政部门搞得一团糟。