- Only after a bitter struggle was the aim achieved. 这个目的只有经过艰苦的斗争才能达到。
- The aim of the policy is the preservation of peace. 这一政策旨在维护和平。
- The aim of the conference is to promote international friendship. 会议的目的是增进国际间的友谊。
- The aim is to obtain a general understanding of the passage quickly. 目的是对这段文章很快得到一个总的概念。
- It's not the aim for her to star. 出人头地不是她的目的。
- The aim that we live is for the people serve. 我们生活的目的是为人民服务。
- The aim of damages is to compensate the plaintiff. 损害赔偿的目的在于赔偿原告的损失。
- The aim of ASAC is to control radiation power. ASAC系统最终的目的是控制辐射声功率。
- To adjust the aim or sight of by repeated firings. 调整归零通过重复射击调整目标或视角
- The aim of our foreign policy is world peace. 中国对外政策的目标是争取世界和平。
- She went to London with the aim of finding a job. 她去伦敦是为了找工作。
- The aim of the event is to raise money. 这个活动的目的是为了筹集资金。
- The aim of the project is to help the poor. 这个项目的目的是帮助穷人。
- The aim is to have complete coverage by 2010. 完全覆盖的目标将在2010年达成。
- Damages also serve the aim of preventing harm. 损害赔偿也同样服务于预防损害的目的。
- What was the aim of the May 4th Movement? 五四运动的目的是什么呢?
- Boycotting is not the aim, but a means. 抵制本身不是目的,只是手段。
- The aim of a university should be the advancement of learning. 大学的目标应是促进学术。
- The aim of poetry is to please(vt.). 诗的目的在于使人愉悦。
- We have long sympathized with the aims of the Green Party. 我们长期以来一直支持绿党保护生态环境的目标。