- He draped his legs over the arm of the chair. 他懒洋洋地把双腿搭在椅子的扶手上。
- The paint had been rubbed away from the arms of the chair. 那张椅子扶手上的油漆已经被磨掉了。
- I grew up in the arms of the gods. 我在神的手臂间长大成人。
- The infantry is one of the arms of the army. 步兵是陆军兵种之一。
- On the arm of the sofa was a coral necklace. 沙发的扶手上有一条珊瑚项链。
- The arms of this coat of mine don't fit. 我这件大衣的袖子不合适。
- The arms of a city or noble family is its coat of arms. 城市或显赫家族的标志是盾形纹徽。
- For now because of any legal rights were Baker and Morgan beyond the arm of the law. 贝克和摩根逍遥法外,并不是由于有什么和法的权利。
- She draped herself across the arm of the chair. 她摇摇晃晃地倚在一把椅子的扶手上。
- He hit his funny bone on the arm of the chair. 他的尺骨神经碰到了椅臂。
- A small bridge spans the arm of the river. 一座小桥横跨河湾。
- Her hands rested on the arms of her chair. 她的双手搁在椅子的扶手上。
- The armhole of the coat is too long. 这件上衣的袖孔太长了。
- A panel bearing the coat of arms of a deceased person. 丧徽其上有死人的衣服袖子的板
- Joey:( sitting on the arm of the couch) Of course it was a line! 乔伊:(在沙发扶手上)然那是骗你的了!
- Daddy pitched his newspaper over the arm of the chair to the floor. 报纸,从椅子扶手上爸爸的手臂里落在了地板上。
- One of the arms of a starfish or other radiate animal. 海星的足海星或其它多枝条动物的肢体之一
- Whatever hypodermics they can get out of the arms of the sick. 无论hypodermics他们可以走出谷底武器的病人。
- The tailor padded out the shoulders of the coat. 裁缝用填料衬垫上衣的肩部。
- The arms of a city or noble family are its coat of arms. 城市或显赫家族的标志是盾形纹徽。