- The assemblage of all galaxies; the entire physical universe. 总星系所有星系的总称; 整个自然宇宙
- the assemblage of concept 概念群
- The assemblage of all galaxies;the entire physical universe. 总星系所有星系的总称;整个自然宇宙
- This combination process is called the assemblage of stiffness matrices. 这种组合的过程称为刚度矩阵的装配。
- The motion was put to the assemblage. 这项提议已提交大会了。
- Mr. King was one of the assemblage. 金先生是与会者之一。
- The stiffness matrix of the assemblage of elements is then generated in the same way as in the case of frames. 然后,按框架情况的相同方法建立诸单元组合体的刚度矩阵。
- The assemblage of ore mineral is simple which is composed of molybdenite,a little pyrite,pyrrho... 其矿石矿物组合简单,由辉钼矿和少量的黄铁矿、磁铁黄矿、黄铜矿、闪锌矿、白铁矿组成。
- The assemblage of so much talent and enlightened goodwill behind a single proposal must give pause to anyone who supports the other side. 在这一目标下,广聚英贤,发扬仁善,也能使任何敌对者望而却步。
- At last ,through analyzing the assemblage of source .reservoir, and capping rocks.favorable zone is finally predicted. 最后,通过分析生储盖的时空配置关系,进行有利区带预测。
- The assemblage of garnet-diopside in the silicate alteration rocks is different from that in the skarn of traditional idea. 硅酸盐蚀变岩中的“石榴子石-透辉石”组合与传统理解的“夕卡岩”内的相同组合名同实异。
- Syndromes,seen from the objective phenomenon,are the assemblage of the macro information of human being(symptoms and signs). 证候,从客观现象的角度来看,就是人体宏观信息(症状和体征)的集合。
- The cast was an assemblage of hams. 这个演出阵容是由一群三流演员组成的。
- The diagenetic stage and pore-evolution properties of clastic rock can be effectively determined according to the assemblage of authigenic clay mineral. 根据自生粘土矿物的组合特征,可以有效地确定碎屑岩的成岩阶段及其孔隙发育特征。
- The Passover was one of the three feasts for which the Law required the assemblage of all the males of the children of Israel at the House of the Lord (Deuteronomy 16:16). 守节时按摩西律法之规定,以色列的所有男孩都要聚集在上帝的居所(申16:16)。
- When we arrived he bestowed on the Sakyong and the traveling party an extensive Nyingthig Abisheka, the Ridzin Dipa, The Assemblage of Vidyadharas of Longchen Nyingthig. 因此我们(萨姜米庞仁波切一行,下同)被建议就简单地见下师公,否则师公可能会离开所在的城市。
- There is an odd assemblage of broken bits of furniture in this room. 这间屋子里放了一堆奇形怪状的破烂家具。
- Wiglaf was a proof of concept, not a final product. Wiglaf是对概念的证明,不是一个最终的产品。
- the assemblage of parts of a machine 机器各部件的装配
- What kind of concept is "Water Shortage"? “缺水”是一个什么样的概念?