- We responded to the call of our motherland. 我们响应了祖国的号召.
- the calling of our time 我们这个时代的召唤
- We heard the calling of the bells to prayer. 我们听见了召唤祈祷的钟声。
- The call of this bird is very loud. 这只鸟的叫声很响亮。
- We ought to make the most of our time. 我们应该尽量用好时间。
- We will make good use of our time. 我们将好好利用我们的时间。
- It is the calling of their, of our religion, the incessant pulling of hungering heartstrings. 这是他们的,不,是我们宗教中最强的动力,是不停拨弄饥渴心弦的力量。
- Sick building syndrome is a disease of our time. 办公大楼病症候群徵是一种现代病。
- She can reproduce the call of over twenty birds. 她能模仿二十多种鸟叫的声音。
- We should make the most of our time. 我们应该充分利用时间。
- I once read a book call "the call of the wild", but that's beside the question. 我曾读过一本书,叫《野性的呼唤》, 不过这与本题无关。
- We should make the best use of our time. 我们应该好好善用时间。
- In answer to the call of our Party, all of us have thrown ourselves into the campaign to increase production and prac-tise economy. 为了响应党的号召,我们大家都投入增产节约运动中去了。
- Education is one of the key words of our time. 教育是我们这个时代的关键性字眼之一。
- The lion escaped,driven by the call of the wild. 那只狮子受到大自然的召唤而逃跑了。
- Who is the greatest inventor of our time? 谁是当代最伟大的发明家?
- We respond to the call of ourgovernment. 工人们带午饭到工厂吃。
- Camera-One of the greatest liars of our time. 照相机-我们时代最大的说谎者之一.
- Answering the Call of Your Theophany - Jn A. 回应你属灵身体的呼唤。
- Mao Zedong was one of the greatest men of our time. 毛泽东是当代最伟大的人物之一。