- Abstract: There are 14 species and varieties of anil plants in the coast zone of Shandong Province. 摘 要: 山东省海岸带有木兰科、木兰属植物14种和变种。
- The land flattens out near the coast. 海岸附近地势变得很平坦。
- Spray slaps the coast ceaselessly. 海浪不停地拍打着海岸。
- The coast is terribly touristy now. 海滨区现在到处都是游客。
- Relative Problems in Mapping The Coast Zone 海岸带专题地图编绘相关问题
- They traveled on the steamboat along the coast. 他们坐着小汽船沿着海岸旅行。
- Fishing boats were anchored all along the coast. 渔船沿着岸抛锚停泊。
- Ship was for the coast with difficulties. 这只船艰难地向岸边驶去。
- We live in a populous area near the coast. 我们生活在沿海人口稠密的地区。
- Related to federal action under OCSLA, there has been extended controversy over the requirements of the Coastal Zone Management Act. 《外大陆架土地法案》管理下的联合行动与《海岸地区管理条例》的规定是不相符的。
- The ship was lost off the coast with all souls. 这条船在沿海失事,船上的人全部遇难。
- Geological characteristics of the coastal zone north and south of the Chouchui Shi River, western Taiwan (Q. L. Lee, Master thesis, 2006). 台湾西部浊水溪河口南北两岸的海岸带之地质特徵(李昆霖、硕士论文、民国95年)。
- The woods along the coast provide a good windbreak. 沿海边的树木是很好的防风林。
- Research and marine management continues, following an eight year study by IUCN specialists under the Coastal Zone Management Project. 鲸鱼、海豚及海龟的猎杀(包括海龟蛋的捡拾),在阿曼是被立法禁止的。
- The coast sweeps (away) northwards in a wide curve. 海岸呈一大弧形向北伸展。
- The ship kept close to the coast. 该船靠近海岸航行。
- Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is recognized as an important land-ocean interaction in the coastal zone in developed areas, such as North America and Europe. 摘要沿海地区海底地下水排放在北美和欧洲等发达地区受到了越来越多的重视,被认为是一个重要的海岸带陆海相互作用过程。
- The tendency of environmental change will deeply affect the process of sustainable development along the coastal zone of the Huanghai Sea and the Bohai Sea. 海岸带台风、风暴潮、海岸侵蚀、地面沉降、海水内侵等灾害给沿海经济建设造成极大危害,未来环境变化趋势也将深刻影响黄渤海沿岸持续发展的进程。
- It's a lovely sunny day; why don't we run down to the coast? 天气多好哇,咱们何不开车到海边玩玩?
- Let's take a trip to the coast and see what crops up. 我们到海滨去跑一趟,看看发生了什么事情。