- the collapses and revivals 崩塌和回复效应
- The oscillation of the concurrence presents collapses and revivals with the increasing of the mean photon number, while its periodicity is more and more evident. 随着光场强度的增加,两原子纠缠度的振荡曲线逐渐表现出崩塌-回复现象,周期性也越来越明显.
- The floor collapsed and they dropped through. 地板坍了,他们从坍陷处跌了下去。
- The ceiling collapsed and rubble poured into the room. 天花板坍塌了,碎砖破瓦掉落到了屋里。
- The out break of the war precipitated the collapse of our firm. 战争的爆发加速了我们公司的倒闭。
- Collapses and hides sections of code in Visual Basic files. 折叠并隐藏Visual Basic文件中的代码节。
- These stories tell us about the collapse and rebirth of a vast empire in a universe of the future. 这些故事给我们讲述了未来宇宙中的一大帝国的瓦解与复兴。
- Some miners were trapped underground after the collapse. 塌方后,有些矿工被困在地下。
- Financial markets experienced extreme volatility during March, which culminated with the collapse and rescue by the Fed and JP Morgan of Bear Sterns. 金融市场经历在今年三月份极度动荡,并且随着贝尔斯登的崩盘及美联储和摩根大通对其的极力拯救达到了高潮。
- The ambulance reached the collapsed building in due time. 救护车及时赶到了那座倒塌的大厦。
- It takes you through the collapse and decadence of western culture and confronts the time in which we live and work every day. 它带你穿越崩溃堕落的西方文化,直接面对每天的生活与工作。
- With the collapse and privatisation of state-owned enterprises, the vast majority of citizens had been left with no insurance. 随着地方医院的衰落和私有化,使得多数城市居民不甘落后没任何医疗上的保障。
- Life is a continuous course of death and revival. 生命是连续不断的死亡与复活。
- It took hours to free the victims (from the collapsed building). 用了很长时间才把遇难者(从倒塌的建筑物中)解救出来。
- How I writhed,and yawned,and nodded,and revived! 我是怎样地翻腾,打呵欠,打盹,又清醒过来!
- The collapse of the strike enabled the company to resume normal bus services. 罢工的失败使公司恢复了正常的公共汽车营业。
- Bad workmanship was responsible for the collapse of the block of flats. 这排公寓倒塌归咎于施工拙劣。
- How I writhed, and yawned, and nodded, and revived! 我是怎样地翻腾,打呵欠,打盹,又清醒过来!
- The end point of the collapse and relaxation of a protogalaxy is a dark matter halo, inside of which the baryonic gas is in hydrostatic equilibrium at a temperature of typically a few million degrees. 原星系塌缩与松弛的最终点就是黑暗物质晕,里面有处于流体静力平衡的重子气体,一般温度约数百万度。
- The structural deformation has resulted in structural crevices and joints in loess, increased the erosional rate of the loess, and accelerated the collapse and landslide of the loess. 构造变形使黄土产生构造裂隙、节理,增大了黄土的侵蚀速率,促进了黄土的坍塌和滑坡等侵蚀性地质灾害的发生;